
'60s and '70s in the USA

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    '60s in the USA

    "The Sixties", as they are known, is a term used to describe the revolution in social norms about clothing, music, drugs, dress, formalities, and schooling. Conservatives denounce the decade as one of irresponsible excess and decay of social order. The decade was also labelled the Swinging Sixties because of the fall of social taboos especially relating to racism and sexism that occurred during this time.
  • J.F. Kennedy is elected president

  • M.L.King famous speech "I have a dream"

    M.L.King famous speech "I have a dream"
  • L.B.Johnson becomes president

  • J.F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas

  • Voting Rights Act

    Thanks to this Act the right to vote was extended to black people
  • Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis

  • R. Nixon is elected president

  • Neil Amstrong's first step on the Moon

    Neil Amstrong's first step on the Moon
  • Woodstock Festival

    Woodstock Festival
    It was a music festival,” 3 Days of Peace & Music”, in the town of Bethel, New York, from August 15th to 18th. During the weekend, 32 acts performed outdoors before an audience of 400,000 young people. Documentary
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    '70s in the USA - disillusion

    In the '70s we see increasing divorce rates, the breakdown of the family, a lot of women working because jobs are low-payed, the increase in drug use, the rise in crime and in premarital sex. As a result of many of these changes, many Americans are losing their faith in the American Dream, their society, their government, and their future
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    '70s in the USA - continuation of the '60s

    The 1970s were a tumultuous time. In some ways, the decade was a continuation of the 1960s. Women, African Americans, gays and lesbians and other marginalized people continued their fight for equality, and many Americans joined the protest against the war in Vietnam. In other ways, however, the decade was a repudiation of the 1960s. American people were increasingly disillusioned with the government and their democratic institutions.
  • The first Earth Day

    The first Earth Day
    Founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, Earth Day is now a globally celebrated holiday that is sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green awareness. It began as a “national teach-in on the environment” and was held on April 22 to maximize the number of students that could be reached on university campuses.
  • Students protest

    Students protest
    Four students from Kent State University in Ohio were killed and nine wounded by National Guardsmen during a protest against the Vietnam War spread into Cambodia.
  • The first e-mail

    The first ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) email is sent between two computers which are placed next to each other.
  • Walt Disney World opens in Orlando, Florida

  • Equal Rights Amendment

    During the 1970s, many groups of Americans continued to fight for expanded social and political rights. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal rights for women.
  • R. Nixon is re-elected president

  • The Watergate scandal

    The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration.
    The name "Watergate" and the suffix "-gate" have since become synonymous with political scandals all over the world.
  • Gerald Ford is elected president

  • The War in Vietnam is over

    The War in Vietnam is over
    Communist forces complete their takeover of South Vietnam, forcing the evacuation from Saigon of civilians from the United States and the unconditional surrender of South Vietnam. A very famous song
  • James E. Carter is elected president

  • President Crater's Speech

    Crisis of Confidence - President Carter's video
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    beginning of the '80s in the USA

    Reagan promised to restore American's confidence in their government, society, and economy. He promised to restore the American Dream and Americans' confidence. Reagan won the election because he was not Carter. Americans desperately turned to Reagan, hoping that he could lead the nation out of its economic, social, and political crisis.
  • Ronal Regan is elected president