Creative Problem Solving in the 60s and 70s

  • Osborn simplies Applied Imagination

    Osborn published his third edition of Applied Imagination in whih he revised the CPS model, simplifying it from 7 steps to three.
    1. Fact-Finding
    2. Idea-Finding
    3. Solution-Finding
    Osborn (1963) Apllied Imagination as quoted in Thurber (2010) Creative Problem Solving: A Love Affair in Steps.
  • Osoborn dies

  • 0sborn-Parnes Approach

    The Osborn-Parnes CPS model has five steps:
    1. Fact-Finding
    2. Problem-Finding
    3. Idea-Finding
    4. Solution-Finding
    Parnes (1992 ) as quoted in Thurber (2010) Creative Problem Solving: A Love Affair in Steps.
    5. Acceptance-Finding
  • Creative Studies Project at Buffalo State

    This projects initiates testing of CPS models using the 5 step model (2.0) and later with a sixth step added by Osborn under the name CPSI.
    1. Objective-Finding (OF)
    2. Fact-Finding (FF)
    3. Problem-Finding (PF)
    4. Idea-Finding (IF)
    5. Solution-Finding (SF)
    6. Acceptance-Finding (AF)
  • First MS and Undergraduate Minor in Creative Studies

    Finally Alex Osborn's dream of a formal academic learning center dedicated to the study and development of creativity is realized. ICSC (2009) as quoted in Thurber (2010) Creative Problem Solving: A Love Affair in Steps.
  • Version 2.2 of CPS

    This is the first time CPS includes divergent and convergent thinking with the now iconic graphic. Isaken Celebrating 50 years of Reflective Practice.
  • Donald Trefinger joins staff at Buffalo State

    Trefinger began further exploration and refinement of CPS model to balance divergent and convergent thinking. Isaken. Celebrating 50 years of Reflective Practice.