
6 Steps to the Legislative Process!

  • Step 1: Idea Phase

    Step 1: Idea Phase
    In Step 1 of the Legislative Process, 'Bill' is merely an idea. This idea can originate from a concerned citizen, congressman who are in session, or from joint resolutions.
  • Step 2: Committee Phase

    Step 2: Committee Phase
    In Step 2 of the Legislative Process, 'Bill' has a "long, long wait while he's sitting in committee". Congressman "discuss and debate" whether or not 'Bill' is worthy enough to continue through the Legislative Process.
  • Step 3: Public Hearings

    Step 3: Public Hearings
    In Step 3 of the Legislative Process, 'Bill' is discussed in public hearings. The pros and the cons are debated and then the committee votes on 'Bill'. If it passes with a majority, it's on to the next step!
  • Step 4: House of Representatives

    Step 4: House of Representatives
    In Step 4 of the Legislative Process, 'Bill' is sent to the House of Representatives. They vote on 'Bill' - if he passes with 50% majority, he moves on to Step 5.
  • Step 5: Senate

    Step 5: Senate
    In Step 5 of the Legislative Process, 'Bill' enters the Senate. There he is voted on much like in Step 4. If he passes with 51% of the vote, he moves on to crucial Step 6!
  • Step 6: The President

    Step 6: The President
    In the last step of the Legislative Process, two important events can occur to 'Bill'. First, if the President signs 'Bill', he becomes a Law. If the President vetoes 'Bill', he must go back to the House of Representatives and the Senate and pass with a 2/3 majority.