1 generetion
The computers of the first Generation used bulbs to process information. The operators entered the data and programs in special code by means of punched cards. The internal storage was achieved with a drum that rotated rapidly, on which a reading / writing device placed magnetic marks. Those bulbous computers were much larger and generated more heat than contemporary models -
2 generation
Second generation computers are smaller and consume less electricity than the previous ones. The communication with these new computers is through more advanced languages than the machine language, which are called "high level languages" -
3 generation
They began to pack several tiny transistors and other electronic components into a single chip or package, which contained a complete circuit inside: an amplifier, an oscillator, or a logic gate. Naturally, with these chips (integrated circuits) it was much easier to assemble complicated devices: radio or television receivers and computers -
4 generetion
It made it an ideal computer for "personal" use, hence the term "PC" will be standardized and the clones that were later released by other companies were called "PC and compatible", using processors of the same type as IBM, but at a lower cost and can execute the same type of programs. There are other types of microcomputers, such as the Macintosh, that are not compatible with IBM, but in many cases are also called "PC". -
5 generation
The project lasted eleven years, but it did not obtain the expected results: the current computers continued like this, since there are many cases in which, either it is impossible to carry out a parallelization of it, or once carried out, it is not he appreciates any improvement, or in the worst case, there is a loss of performance, -
6 generation
That is to say that each important advance, such as the reduction of the size of the elements such as processors and memories, as well as the increase of its capacity and speed, produces a generational leap.