6.6-6.8 AP World history

  • Great Britain established a penal Colony in Australia

  • Britain abolishes Irish parliament

  • Pace of wage growth increases

  • Period: to

    Ireland > US

  • Britain Began sending Indians to Mauritius

  • Period: to

    Great Famine

  • Period: to

    Europe imports Chinese workers into their colonies

  • Britain stops sending Convicts to Australia

  • Period: to

    Taiping Rebellion

  • Period: to

    China > US

  • Australian Gold Rush

  • Britain Stops Contract Laborer trade

  • Chinese Immigration Act

    Limited the number of Chinese that could come ashore from Each ship
  • White Miners in NSW killed and injured Chinese miners

  • NSW Legislative council passes the Chinese Immigration Regulation and Restriction Act

    restricted the number of Chinese immigrants from entering the colony.
  • U.S. banned the contract Asia labor trade

  • Period: to

    New Caledonia serves as a French Penal colony

  • The U.S. Abolished Slavery

  • Period: to

    Japan > Hawaii

  • nativists ratified a consitution in California that targeted Chinese immigrants

    • State was prohibited from hiring chinese workers
    • Non-whites were forbidden from becoming citizens
    • Cities were encouraged to segregate Chinese residence
  • Period: to

    Kangani and Maistry systems

  • Period: to

    Italy > Argentina

  • NSW passes the Influc of Chinese Restriction Act

    Restricted Chinese immigration through an entrance tax.
  • Period: to

    Indian workers were sent to Kenya to work on Railroad construction

  • Chinese Exclusion act

  • Gentleman's agreement between the US and Japan