
  • genetics + enviorment

    "Every person has about 25,000 different genes, with endless possibilities." 6.1 P2 Heredity is the passing of genes from one generation to the next. these genes can determine if your good at football or good a chess and plenty of things in between. "Often, people don't realize how much environmental factors can impact your health." 6.1 P1 Some of the ways that the environment can effect your health is by the dust/mold in the air.
  • personal story

    "Researchers have identified more than 4,000 diseases that are caused by mutations" 6.1 P3 My cousin was born with only 21 chromosomes. He has down syndrome. Even though he is genetically different he is still the same great person in my eyes. This is a negative impact to him but having him as a cousin has been a blessing to me and my family.