First Earth Orbiter
Period: to
Space Exploraton Timeline
Attempted Earth orbiter (launch failure)
Successful Lunar Fly By
Interplanetary Space Investigations
Attempted Venus Impact ( failed to escape Earth orbit)
Venus flyby (contact lost)
12 April 1961 – First manned Earth orbiter
Attempted Venus Fly By ( Launch Failure)
Mars flyby (contact lost)
Attempted Venus probe ( Failed to escape Earth orbit )
Attempted Lunar Test Flight ( Launch Failure )
Attempted Lunar Fly By and Return ( Launch Failure )
Attempted lunar orbiter (launch failure)
Attempted Lunar Orbit ( Launch Failure
Attempted Lunar Orbiter ( Launch Failure )
Attempted Venus probe (failed to escape Earth orbit)
3 March 1972 – First Jupiter flyby
First Saturn Fly By
Mars orbiter and lander; first long-lived lander and first pictures from Martian surface
Attempted Mars orbiter (failed to enter Mars orbit)
Attempted flyby of three comet nuclei (launch failure)
Asteroid lander and sample return (expected return June 2010)
Mars orbiter/lander (lander failure)
Lunar orbiter (Crashed September 2006)
China's first manned Earth orbiter 2004
Lunar orbiter
2 March 2004 – ( Don't know exact date )Comet orbiter and lander (expected arrival 2014)
No date yet ( Planned ) Lunar orbiter