USS Maine Explodes
On February 15, the USS Maine exploded in the harbor of Havana killing more than 260 men. At the time noone knew exactly why the ship exploded but American newspapers claimed that the Spanish blew up the ship -
Treaty of Paris 1898
a treat ending the Spanish American War, in which Spain freed Cuba, turned over the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico to the US, and sold the Phillippines to the US for $20 million -
The Jungle
A novel published by Upton Sinclair that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalant in the meat-packing industry at the time -
Meat Inspection Act
a law that established strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created a federal meat inspection program -
The National Association for the Advancement of colored people which fought for equal rights for blacks and whites -
John J Pershing
Ordered by President Wilson to take an expeditionary force of about 15,000 soldiers into Mexico to capture Francisco Villa dead or alive. -
Selective Service Act
Passed in May 1917, the act required men to register with the goverernment in order to be randomly selected for military service -
Fourteen Points
It was a speech given by Woodrow Wilson that was intended to assure the counrty that the Great War was being fought for a moral cause and for postwar peace in Europe. -
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KKK in the 20's
The KKK rose throughout the 1920's. The Klan believed in keeping blacks "in their place." The Klan also ran Roman Catholics, Jews and foreign born people out of the country. -
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Immigration in the 20's
The number of immigrants had grown almost 600 percent. Congress, in response to nativist pressure, decided to limit immigration from certain countries. -
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Union membership in the 20's
Many strikes happened due to the increase in unions and most employers didnt want them to join the union cause the union set higher wages and set strict workplace qualifications. -
Sacco and Vanzetti
Were arrested and charged with the murder and robbery of a factory paymaster and his guard in South Braintree. They were found guilty sololy on the fact that they were anarchists -
Fordney McCumber Tariff
This tariff law raised the average American tariff rate to 38.5% and it was signed by Warren Harding. -
Teapot-Dome Scandal
A scandal about Albert Fall selling oil rich lands set aside for the navy to oil companies and keeping all of the money to himself -
Chinese Civil War
A civil war between the Chinese Nationalist Party and the Communist Party of China -
Dust Bowl
A region plagued with dust storms and evictions. Thousands of sharecroppers and farmers left their land behind and followed Route 66 to California -
Munich Pact
Signed on September 30,1938 which turned over to Sudentenland without a single shot being fired. -
Grapes of Wrath
A book written by John Steinbeck in 1939 that deals with a family of Oklahomans who leave the Dust Bowl for California -
The Holocaust
The systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe more than half of whom were Jews -
Lend Lease Act
It permitted the president of the U.S. to sell, exchange, lease, lend, or dispose of any government whose defense to the president seems vital to the defense. -
War Productions Board
The purpose of the board was to regulate the production and allocation of materials during WWII in the US. -
Battle of Stalingrad
A major battle of World War I between Nazi Germany and its allies fought Soviet Union. This was thought to be a main turning point in WWI -
The day the Allies launched an invasion on European mainland during WWII -
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Baby Boom
As WWII soldiers returned home and settled into family life, they contributed to an unprededented population explosion. At one point in 1957 an infant was born every 7 seconds. Thats 4,308,000 that year. -
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Fighting in the Korean War
A military conflict between North and South Korea. North wants Communism, South doesnt. -
The attacks on suspected Communists in the early 1950's. -
Feminine Mystigue
A book written by Betty Friedan. It captured the very discontent that many women were feeling at the time. -
Immigration Act of 1965
Ended all quotas based on nationality. It also opened the door to many non-European immigrants to settle in the US. -
Black Panthers
Fought police brutality in the ghettos -
Queen Liliuokalani
She was a Hawiian monarch that stepped down from power in 1983 to the superior force of the US,