World War 2 Ends (V-E Day)
This day is known as "Victory in Europe" Day. This day marks the ending of relationships as now no longer the US need Soviet support. In this, now the US and Soviets must agree on many things such as the trials, Germany, and other action items in control of both superpowers.
http://www.infoplease.com/spot/veday1.html -
Iron Curtain Speech
The "Iron Curtain" was the first public reference made to the crumbling relationship of the Allies (US, Britian, and Russia) and how the communist Soviet Union was going to set up a sphere of influence around their controlling areas.
http://www.dingdarling.org/cartoons/dynamite.html -
Period: to
Cold War (starting with Iron Curtain Speech)
Period: to
Policy of Contaiment
Berlin Blockade
In this bloackade, The Soviet Union tried to prevent supplies from getting to any Western Berlin people because they had been constantly ecaping into Rast Germany. The US and Great Britian had to thien fly in all supplies to the West Berliners. This blockade and airlift lasted a total of 360 days.
http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/BERLIN_A/CARTO_12.HTM -
Mao takes control of China
Mao Zedong, a rabid communist, took control of China and set up the Peoples Republic of China with himself as Chairman in which Mao ended up killing over 20 million people before dying in 1976.
http://www.iisg.nl/landsberger/maoslogan.html -
Korean War Starts
The North Koreans with the support of the Soviet Union invade the South Korean's over the 38th parallel starting the Korean War. Both the US-(UN) and Soviet Union support opposing sides. http://library.thinkquest.org/10826/timeline.htm -
Korean War Ends
Finally, an armistice is signed on July 27th in which the North and South Koreans are at a cease-fire but the war is not over. Peace talks had been continuing for days before but allegded attemps against the Chinese and North Koreans voided these talks for a few days. eventually though, an armistice was signed and prisoners of war were released. http://library.thinkquest.org/10826/timeline.htm -
Vietnam Split at 17th Parallel
At the Geneva Confrence, the outcome is decided that Vietnam will be divided at the 17th parallel in which the North will be occupied by the Communists and the autocratic regime in the south based off of democarcy in the South.
http://library.thinkquest.org/10826/timeline.htm -
Period: to
Vietnam War
Warsaw Pact Formed
This was the pact that bound Eastern European countries to each other in the Soviet Union sphere of influence which forced the countries to support one another and provide aid if any attack came. This pact is often looked at as the counterpart for the Soviet Union to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organizaton). http://www.warsaw-life.com/poland/warsaw-pact
http://chandrakantha.com/articles/indian_music/filmi_sangeet/media/1991_Cartoon_1.jpg -
Fidel Castro Takeover
Fidel Castro is able to take over enabled by a coup of the military established which causes Batista to flee th country.Through this, Fidel Castro has Cuba in his hands. http://www.biography.com/articles/Fidel-Castro-9241487 -
Bay of Pigs
This was the US created invasion of Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro and his new government developed in the previous administration but inherited by JFK so its failure became a tarnish on his new presidency. This mission used CIA-trained Cuban exiles along with general CIA agents. In the end, it was a complete failure in which every man that went out ended up dead or captured.
http://library.thinkquest.org/11046/days/bay_of_pigs.html -
Berlin Border Closed
This was a small fence area which the Germans discovered was not an effective barrier in preventing the flow of East Germans to flow towards the West Germany side. The border was closed so that construcion could begin on the new Berlin Wall. -
Berlin Wall Construction Begins
Since many East Berlin people in the Soviet Union sphere of influence wanted to get out, often these people would migrate to the Western Berlin area with democracy. To prevent this flow from occuring, the Soviet Union put up a wall known as the Berlin Wall to prevent people from emigrating out. It was more like an obstacle then just a wall. http://www.dailysoft.com/berlinwall/ -
Cuban Missle Crisis
In this crisis, the Soviet Union had been placing missles on Cuba as a defense for themselfves and Cuba. Fortunately though, the US spotted missle sites on Cuba and was able to "quarantine" Cuba quickly enough that they discovered the ship carrying these missiles. http://library.thinkquest.org/11046/days/index.html
http://www.filibustercartoons.com/nikita.gif -
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
In this incident, the North Vietmanese bombed a US ship that was off the coast with torpedos which got the response to immediately retaliate along with Lyndon Johnson asking Congress for the power to send troops. http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq120-1.htm -
Saigon Fells
This event normally marks the end of the Vietnam War as through the Fall of Saigon, the South Vietnam government was overtaken and overthrow so really there is no South Vietnam anymore. The country was succesful united under one government now. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1880.html
http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/x5/x29734.jpg -
Fall of Communism
The fall of the Soviet Union was caused by the newly elected Mikhail Gorbachev changing theSoviet Union dramatically through revolution causin the military o overhrow with a coup. His changes ended up being remembered as they never returned to full communism again. http://library.thinkquest.org/10826/timeline.htm -
Iran-Contra Scandal
This scandal was when a person in the Reagan administration funneled money gotten from rading arms to Iran for money used to support the communists in Nicargua. The scandal was leaked to the public and Reagen was charged for it. http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/jphuck/BOOK3Ch7.html -
China puts down revolts
In Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government brought in the tanks and guns killing hundreds of protestors calling for change and democracy in the heavily communist and controlled China that had been expanding its outreach in the world technologically. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-was-the-tiananmen-square-massacre.htm -
Germany is reunited
Eventually as the fall is close to being done, West and East Germany are reunited under a common government with no control from anyone besides themsleves since the SOviet Union had lost its ability to govern. http://www.unesco.org/courier/2001_11/uk/education2.htm