Iwo jima flag raising wwii

WWII Timeline - Sharane & Stephen

  • Ch. 17 Sect. 01

    Ch. 17 Sect. 01
    Hitler joins Nazi Party.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 01

    Ch. 17 Sect. 01
    Hitler attempts to overthrow German government.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 03

    Ch. 17 Sect. 03
    Japan occupies Manchria.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 03

    Ch. 18 Sect. 03
    Nazi ordered a one day boycott of Jewish owned businesses.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 04

    Ch. 17 Sect. 04
    First of Neutrailty Pacts passed.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 03

    Ch. 18 Sect. 03
    Nuremburg Laws stripped Jewish people of their German citizenship.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 01

    Ch. 17 Sect. 01
    Hitler and Mussolini signed an alliance.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 01

    Ch. 17 Sect. 01
    Stalin takes over Ethopia.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 03

    Ch. 17 Sect. 03
    Sino-Japenese war begins.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 03

    Ch. 18 Sect. 03
    Germans force Jews to relinquish their businesses to Aryians.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 01

    Ch. 17 Sect. 01
    Prime Minister Chamberlain and French President Daladier meet with Hitler.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 02

    Ch. 17 Sect. 02
    Hitler and his troops invade Poland.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 02

    Ch. 17 Sect. 02
    Britain and France declared war on Germany.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 01

    Ch. 18 Sect. 01
    President Roosevelt made a natinal address over the radio stating that the Axis powers posed a threat to the USA.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 02

    Ch. 17 Sect. 02
    Hitler begins succesful attacks on Denmark and Norway.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 02

    Ch. 17 Sect. 02
    France surrenders to Germany.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 02

    Ch. 17 Sect. 02
    Hitler launched greatest air assault in history (Battle of Britain).
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 02

    British army had succesfully attacked an Italian army in the Egyption desert.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 03

    Japan moves troops into French Indochina.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 03

    Ch. 17 Sect. 03
    Japan allied itself with Germany and Italy through the Tripartite Pact.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 01

    Congress authorized first peace time draft in national history.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 04

    United States traded with Great Britain. US gives battle ships, Great Britain gives US permission to build bases.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 02

    Hitler sent General Rommul to help Italian army.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 04

    Ch. 17 Sect. 04
    Lend-Lease Act passed.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 03

    Japenese signed a neutrality pact with the Soviet Union.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 01

    OPA sprung up to limit inflation prices of goods and rents.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 02

    U-boats sank nearly 175 ships.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 05

    Ch. 18 Sect. 05
    The President signs excutive order, opening jobs to all without discrimination.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 02

    Ch. 18 Sect. 02
    Unknown to the rest of the world, PM Churchill and President Roosevelt sat on a ship off the coast of Newfoundland talking about America's future efforts of the war.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 04

    Japenese attack a number of Allied colonies.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 04

    Pearl Harbor.
  • Ch. 17 Sect. 04

    Germany and Italy declare war on United States.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 01

    US governement set up war production board to direct the conversion of peace time industry to industry to product war supplies.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 03

    Nazis open special gas chambers disguised as showers.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 05

    Ch. 18 Sect. 05
    President Roosevelt signed an excutive order to imprison Japs in camps far from coasts.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 04

    Japenese overrun Hong Kong and Singapore.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 04

    A group of B25 medium bombers went on a secret mission to bomb Tokyo.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 04

    Ch. 18 Sect. 04
    US Navy attacks superior Japenese Naval force in Coral Sea.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 04

    Ch. 18 Sect. 04
    Soviet Union resists German attacks and prepare for an invasion from Africa.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 01

    Ch. 18 Sect. 01
    President appointed James Byrnes to head up the official war mobolization.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 05

    Ch. 18 Sect. 05
    Race riots kill 34.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 02

    Ch. 18 Sect. 02
    The US 7th army, under General George Patton, invaded the large island of Sicily with Britain.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 03

    Rioting Jews damaged the Treblinka death camp so badly that it had to be closed.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 05

    Ch. 18 Sect. 05
    About 17,000 hold jobs in Los Angeles shipyards.
  • Ch. 18 Sect. 05

    Japs let out of camps.