New Technology
In the early 1990's there are now cellular phones. Also handheld computers for people. That decade was also called the Information Age. The life of the citizens became easier and quicker. Information was now immediately available to almost anyone and almost everywhere. -
The Start of Gulf War
There is a first election in Romania. They say there is going to be free elections held in 53 years. Germany has started there reunification now. Germany is thinking of reuniting the two sides of Germany. There is now a Gene Therapy debuts. A tready has been made of the ADA defiency. -
Explosion of Jobs Dropped
In the early 1990's workers got more jobs buy making computers. Later on they created robots, which replaced workers. So now there are less jobs for the workers. Then they invented ATM's, which made getting money and storing money easier and quicker. People would get jobs back when there are newer inventions. -
End of Cold War
Early in 1992 Bush and Yelstin proclaimed to end the cold war. It was between communism and democrocy. The Cold War was meant to end World War 2, but it didn't go as well as planned.Now, the Cold War is finaly over. With this now over people don't have to be killed anymore. -
Bill Clinton Elected Presidant
In 1992, Bill Clinton became the first baby boomer elected presidant. He gave students in all schools internet. He also set a national goal to set computers in every class for the students. The internet makes it easier for a lot of people to find more information on a lot more things that people might need. -
Bill Clinton's Inaugerational Speech
A part of Bill Clinton's Inaugerational Speech. "Our founders saw themselves in the light of prosperity. We can do nno less then anyone else who ever watched a child's eyes wonder into sleep knos what prosperity is. Prosperity is the world to come -- the world for whom hold our ideas, from whom we have borrowed our planet and to whom we bear sacred responsibility". -
South Africa's Presidant's Speech
In 1993 South Africa's presidant's speech talks about ending confontation with two organizations and there people. "For us this meeting represents the comination of our presidant's efferts to bring an end to the confontation which has played our two oranizations and our people. We set up contacts between the joint working commitie of COSATU (Congress of South Africa Trade Union)on the one hand and inkatha on the other. We hoped then that through this body we would be able to end this violence". -
New Weapon Technology
In the 1990's Saddam Hussein invented the first high-tech warfare. They had missles and bombs that can destroy specific areas accurately. They even made high-tech air attacks, but now they don't have to use a lot of men. Now with less men they can use them for some other operation. With this new weapon technology it would help the military a lot. -
World Trade Center Bombed
In 1993 there was an explosion in the World Trade center. A bomb exploded in the center of the basement of the building. Six people were killed and 1,040 people were injured in the explosion. Nine people were convicted of the charges and nine people were sent to jail for what they did. -
O.J. Simpson was Arrested
O.J. Simpson was arested on June 17, 1994. For the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson. He also may have murderd his ex-wife's friend Ronald Goldman. On October 3, 1995 he was sent to a crimanal trial in Los Angeles, California. It made him reparations after losing wrongful death suit.