Recession Ends
This is significant because it shows that we can recover from recessions but it also shows how easily we can fall into them ie 2009. -
Clinton Scandal
This sex scandal was very significant. It shows what kind of leadership our citizens are electing. This created distrust between the people and the government. This also created turmoil in the white house. -
Oklahoma City Bombing
It was the largest act of terrorism until 9/11. It was significant because it was a citizen of the US and it was an act agains the government. -
OJ Simpson murder trial
This was significant because we started to question our government and their judicial powers. It was put to question becuase it was a recurring theme that celebrities were being proved not guilty for the sake of their careers. OJ was the first great precedent for this ruling. -
Y2K Scare
This was significant because it was like the McCarthy red scare of the 40's and 50's. It created a huge worry for to try to fix the bug that would destroy our computers. -
9/11 Terrorist Attacks
Two planes were hijacked by terrorists and flown into the two World Trade Centers. It was significant because it killed many Americans in the attacks against the US. This lead the US entry into Iraq and a war on terrorism, which, is still going on. -
War in Iraq/Afghanistan
After the events of 9/11, the US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq in search of Weapons of Mass Destructions. Not everyone in the nation was in favor of the invasion and there were many protests and riots against the war. Also these wars put our economy way down in turmoil. -
The Mitchell Report is released by former US Senator George Mitchell stating that several MLB Players were using steroids while playing. Many players were then brought to court and testified under oath about if they took steroids while playing. Also many of the top players during the era of steroids were mentioned in the Mitchell Report, bringing speculation about if they deserve all the records they broke. -
This was significant because it shows the instability of our government and how we need to fix this to stop future recessions. -
Obama Elected
This was significant because this is our first black president of the United States. This shows how far black's have come and their success in their fight for freedom.