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Korean Conflict
North and South KoreaJapan was defeated during WW2, so Soviets and Americans agreed to divide up Korea along the 38th parallel line. Soviets and Kim Il Sung became allies when North Korea was attacking the South. The United Nations decided put an end to it. In 1953 Chinese and N. Korea who worked together, sent the United Nations back to the South and signed an armistice. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
The United States, Canada and ten other countries pledged to help one another if they were attacked. This took place during 1949. It was done because of the growing tension. -
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Nuclear Arms Race and Detente
Nuclear BombThe US has nuclear weapons and the Soviets eventually get the weapons. The arms race is when everyone is trying to have more powerful weapons. In the 70s, detente comes along and the people decide to make treaties solidifying peace. Detente is a relaxation of tensions during the 1970s. -
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Chinese Civil War
<a href='http://www.reachtoteachrecruiting.com/images/china_history5.jpg' >Chinese Soldiers</Communism started to grow and the bourgeosie were accused of counterrevolutionary beliefs. They were sent to labor camps and killed. The Soviets and Chinese demanded for peasant land and labor. This was called collectivization. The Great Leap Forward was trying to make a lot of output but it failed. Mao started the Cultural Revolution and closed schools and factories. Civil war threatened and soon began. -
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Communist Cuba and Missile Crisis
Cuba didn't like their leader so Fidel Castro leads the revolution to overthrow the government. Cuba decided to team up with the Soviet Union just in case they would be invaded by the US. The Soviets said they would put nuclear missiles in Cuba. The US found out about this and made a blockade. They threatened that if the Soviets don't remove their weapons a nuclear war will begin. -
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Eastern European Independence
Lech WalesaIn Eastern Europe and many countries are being run badly and the countries are greatly influenced by communist governments. Hungary slowly changed things and gradually worked towards freedom in a peaceful manner. The Berlin Wall was knocked down and Czechoslovakia split but not violently.They were led by the newly elected president, Lech Walesa. Poland didn't go quite as peaceful as the others. -
Berlin Wall
During the Cold War Berlin was split into two different parts. East Berlin (Communist) and West Berlin (Democratic). East Germans that were low paid became unhappy with the communism and fled towards West Berlin. To stop them East Berlin built a wall that sealed off West Berlin. It was a massive concrete wall with barbed wire on top. It even had guards patrolling the area. -
Warsaw Pact
The Soviet Union and 7 satellites in Eastern Europe joined together in response to the alliance of NATO. The Warsaw Pact was usually called upon by the Soviets mainly to keep the satellites in order. It cemented the division of Europe into Eastern and Western blocs. It took place in 1955. -
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Vietnam Conflict
US Navy Destroyer MaddoxThe US was afraid of the domino theory so they sent advisors to be on the look out. A US ship was attacked and 500,000 Amerian troops got involved in the war against Viet Cong. The US let their defenses down assuming nothing much would happen because of the Vietnam new years "Tet". But there were very wrong. They were attacked by North Vietnamese. The US was forced to withdraw and the North Vietnam took over. -
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Soviets in Afghanistan
Osama Bin LadenThe Soviets invaded Afghanistan because they wanted to make it more modern. Afghan landlords and Muslim were not happy with this and a war broke out betwen Soviets and Afghanistans. A group called the Mujahedin, who were really just Muslim religious soldiers, were just as difficult as the guerillas. In the end, it only created a crisis in morale for the Soviets at home.