History of Newspaper

By stazz18
  • Jan 1, 713

    First Newspaper

    First Newspaper
    Mixed News in Kaiyuan is first newspaper published in China. %u201CKaiyuan%u201D is the name given to the year in which the paper is published http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html
  • Nov 3, 1040

    Movable Printing

    Movable Printing
    In China, Pi Sheng invents printing from movable woodblocks. http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html
  • Nov 3, 1392

    Movable copper

    Movable copper
    Movable copper type is invented in Korea http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html
  • Oct 21, 1447


    Johann Gutenberg invents letterpress printing, a process that will enable the mass production of the printed word.
  • May 12, 1501

    Paper materials

    Paper materials
    Pope Alexander VI decreed that printed material must be submitted to clerical authority prior to publication in order to prevent heresy. Failure to do so could result in fines or excommunication. http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html
  • Nov 3, 1556

    Mounthly Newspapaper

    Venetian government publishes Notizie scritte, a monthly newspaper for which readers pay a %u201Cgazetta%u201D, or small coin.
  • Newsbook

    In Cologne, Germany, Michael Entzinger publishes a 24 page newsbook reporting on the defeat of the Spanish Armada. The newsbook%u2019s front page shows a woodcut representing the Spanish Armada sailing off the coast of England. Although the report came months after the actual event occurred, this is one of the earliest %u201Cfirst reports%u201D of a significant historical event.
  • First printed newspaper

    Johann Carolus publishes the first printed newspaper, Relation, in Strasbourg, now in France but at the time a part of the so-called %u2019Deutsches Reich%u2019.
  • London Newspaper

    In London, the newspaper Corante is published
  • French Newspaper

    The Gazette, the first French newspaper, is founded
  • Printing Press

    First American colonial printing press
  • Oldest newspaper In circulation

    Oldest newspaper In circulation
    World%u2019s oldest newspaper still in circulation, Post-och Inrikes Tidningar, is published in Sweden
  • First published in America

    Publick Occurrences is the first newspaper published in America when it appears in Boston. The editor, Benjamin Harris, stated he would issue the paper %u201Conce a month, or, if any Glut of Occurrences happen, oftener.%u201D The royal authority, wary of publications printed without its express consent, suppresses the newspaper after only one issue. http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html
  • Worlds First Journalism

    Daniel Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe and often recognized as the world%u2019s first journalist, begins to publish the Review, a periodical covering European affairs.
  • Lithograohy

    Alois Sedenfelder Invents Lithography. Although invented over two centuries ago, offest lithography first gained popularity in the 1960%u2019s, and is now the industry standard. http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html
  • Sydney Cove

    Australia%u2019s military government publishes the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, the country%u2019s first newspaper. This is only fifteen years after the colony of convicts had been established in Sydney Cove.
  • Steam powered Cylinder Press

    Friedrich Koenig invents of the Steam Powered Cylinder Press. In 1814, John Walter, publisher of The Times in London, began to assemble the new press in secrecy, fearing that his pressmen might riot if they discovered his plans.
  • Telegraph

  • Reuters

    Reuters is established
  • Freeman's journal

    Charles Stewart Parnell uses the Freeman%u2019s Journal to promote the causes of his Irish Nationalist Party.
  • Photograph in newspaper

    First photographs appear in a newspaper http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html
  • Finding Iskra

    Vladimir Lenin founds Iskra, in Leipzig, Germany. This revolutionary newspaper is to become a major tool for Communist propoganda. http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html
  • Tabloid newspaper

    Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord Northcliffe) develops the first tabloid newspaper, the Daily Mirror, in London. The Daily Mirror introduced the concept of the %u201Cexclusive%u201D interview. The first was with Lord Minto, the new Viceroy of India, in 1905. http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html
  • Contractor begins publishing

    Behram %u201CBusybee%u201D Contractor begins publishing his column %u2018Round and About%u201D in the Evening News of India. Running until 2001, the satirical column became the longest running column in the history of newspaper journalism.
  • On-line daily

    First independent on-line daily appears on the World Wide Web. http://www.wan-press.org/article2822.html