Bull run battle

The timeline of the Civil War

  • Period: to

    The Civil War

  • Battle of the Bull Run

    Battle of the Bull Run
    -the battle was at west virginia
    -the union was victorious
    -the total of casualties was 4,900
    -the union had 2,900 deaths
    -the confederates had 2.000 deaths
  • Battle of Antietam (the bloodiest days of the war)

    -the battle was in Maryland
    -the Union army won this battle
    -the total of deaths were 23,000
    -the union had 2,100(not including wounded or missing)
    -the confederate had 1,550(not inclueding wounded or missing)
  • The Emanicpation Proclamation

    The Emanicpation Proclamation
    -This document was written by Abraham Lincoln
    -This document was used to free all slaves
  • The Battle of Gettysurg

    The Battle of Gettysurg
    -over 51,000 deaths
    -The union had 2,400 soldiers
    -The confedrates had around the same amount of soldiers left
  • The Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address
    -This speech was two minutes long with 282 words
    -This speech was to inspire union soldiers to fight for our country
  • The Reelection of Lincoln

    The Reelection of Lincoln
    -Abe Lincoln won the president election.
    -Abe Lincoln beat George B. McClellan
  • The End at Appomattox

    The End at Appomattox
    -The Union marched into Richmond
    -General Lee and Confederate soidiers surrendered.