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Industrial revolution

  • Apr 17, 1563

    Stock Frame invented.

    Stock Frame invented.
    Rev. William Lee, born at Woodborough near Nottingham, invents the Stocking Frame, a mechanical device for knitting stockings.
  • The Newcomen steam engine.

    The Newcomen steam engine.
    Invented by Thomas Newcomen. First mechanical device to use steam power.
  • John Kay invents the flying shuttle.

    John Kay invents the flying shuttle.
    Helped the weaving industry
  • Watt's steam engine.

    Watt's steam engine.
    Watt's first efficient steam engine, much more efficient than the Newcomen.
  • Grand Trunk Canal establishes a cross-England route

    Grand Trunk Canal establishes a cross-England route
    Connected the Mersey to the Trent and connecting the industrial Midlands to the ports of Bristol, Liverpool, and Hull.
  • Cotton Gin made.

    Cotton Gin made.
    Eli Whitney develops his cotton gin (a device to clean raw cotton).
  • Faraday discovers electro-magnetic current.

    Faraday discovers electro-magnetic current.
    Making possible generators and electric engines
  • Morse Code invented.

    Morse Code invented.
    Morse develops the telegraph and Morse Code.
  • Bell invents the telephone.

    Bell invents the telephone.
  • Edison invents the phonograph.

    Edison invents the phonograph.
  • Microphone invented.

    Microphone invented.
  • Edison invents the incandescent lamp.

    Edison invents the incandescent lamp.
  • Machine Gun invented.

    Machine Gun invented.
    Maxim invents the machine gun, making possible mass slaughter and beginning the mechanization of warfare.
  • First Zeppelin built

    First Zeppelin built