Newspaper Timeline Project

  • Apr 14, 713

    Chinese Newspapers and Posters

    Chinese Newspapers and Posters
    In China, early government-produced news sheets, called tipao, circulated among court officials during the late Han dynasty (second and third centuries AD). Between 713 and 734, the Kai Yuan Za Bao ("Bulletin of the Court") of the Chinese Tang Dynasty published government news; it was handwritten on silk and read by government officials.
  • Aug 28, 1000

    The Starting of the Newspaper. 59 B.C.

    The Starting of the Newspaper. 59 B.C.
    The form of Acta was created in Ancient Rome. It was made in 131 B.C. Julius Ceaser made them public in 59 B.C.
  • Oct 31, 1500

    the history of newsletters

    the history of newsletters
    The story begins some five centuries ago in Europe. Here, merchants would distribute newsletters written by hand containing information regarding the weather, economic conditions, wars and human-interest stories. Although this was the first known form of distributed written information, the country accredited with the creation of the first newspaper is Germany.
  • The First Newspaper

    The First Newspaper
    In 1702, the first daily newspaper called The Daily Courant was published.
  • 4th Newspaper of America

    4th Newspaper of America
    Fourteen years later, back in America, John Campbell, a bookseller appointed Postmaster of Boston, became the editor of the Boston News-Letter. The first issue was dated Monday, April 17 to Monday April 24, 1704 and contained only one advertisement. This was produced weekly and continued to be so even when William Brooker was appointed Postmaster to replace Campbell.
  • The First Connecticut Newspaper

    The First Connecticut Newspaper
    The Earliest Connecticut Newspapers
    The first Connecticut newspapers were published along the Connecticut shoreline during the 1750s. Members of the Green family, especially Thomas Green (1735-1812) either worked on or helped found each of Connecticut's first three newspapers, the Connecticut Gazette in 1755 at New Haven, the New London Summary in 1758, and the Connecticut Courant of Hartford, the first inland newspaper, in 1764.
  • Colonial Times and it's newspapers

    Colonial Times and it's newspapers
    In Boston in 1690, Benjamin Harris published Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick. This is considered the first newspaper in the American colonies even though only one edition was published before the paper was suppressed by the government. In 1704, the governor allowed the Boston News-Letter to be published and it became the first %u201Ccontinuously published%u201D newspaper in the colonies. Soon after, weekly papers began publishing in New York and Philadelphia.
  • Charles I

    Charles I
    Newspaper content began to shift toward more local issues in the latter half of the 17th century. Still, censorship was widespread and newspapers were rarely permitted to discuss events that might incite citizens to opposition. Newspaper headlines did announce the beheading of Charles. In 1766, Sweden was the first country to pass a law protecting press freedom.
  • Advances in Printing Technology

    Advances in Printing Technology
    Advances in printing technology during the Industrial Revolution were responsible for turning the newspaper into a widely circulated means of communication. In 1814, The Times of London acquired a printing press capable of making 1,100 impressions per minute.
    Soon, it was adapted to print on both sides of a page at once. In 1833, Benjamin Day printed the first penny press newspaper.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    The telegraph, in 1844 shown to be practical, and put to successful use during the Mexican-American War, led to numerous far-reaching results in journalism. Telegraphic columns became a leading feature; news associations grew as the wires lengthened; but the greatest effect on the journalism of the country at large was to decentralize the press by rendering the inland papers, in such cities as Chicago and Louisville.
  • new york times newletter and when it first started!!!!!!!!

    new york times newletter and when it first started!!!!!!!!
    The New York Times was founded on September 18, 1851, by journalist and politician Henry Jarvis Raymond and former banker George Jones as the New-York Daily Times. The paper changed its name to The New York Times in 1857. The newspaper was originally published every day but Sunday, but during the Civil War the Times, along with other major dailies, started publishing Sunday issues.
  • hearst newspaper

    hearst newspaper
    In part to aid in his political ambitions, Hearst opened newspapers in other cities, among them Chicago, Los Angeles and Boston. By the mid-1920s he had a nation-wide string of 28 newspapers, among them the Los Angeles Examiner, the Boston American, the Chicago Examiner, the Detroit Times, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Washington Times and Washington Herald and his flagship the San Francisco Examiner.
  • The Internet and Innovative Ideas

    The Internet and Innovative Ideas
    Recent developments on the Internet are, however, posing major challenges to the business model of many newspapers. Paid circulation is declining in most countries, and advertising revenue, which makes up the bulk of most newspapers%u2019 income, is shifting from print to online, resulting in a general decline in newspaper profits.
  • Hillcrest Newspaper

    Hillcrest Newspaper
    The Newspaper issue of Hillcrest Middle School. 8th grade issue of the Hillcrest Falcons. (Hillcrest Middle School)
  • The Earliest Printer

    The Earliest Printer
    The earliest known printed newspaper was in Beijing in 748.