The Newspaper Timeline

  • Oct 30, 1447

    Letterpress printing invinted

    Letterpress printing invinted
    In 1447 a man named Johann Gutenberg invented the letterpress printing. This invention made it possible for people to brainstorm ideas and spread there ideas.
    (the picture is of Gutenberg looking a letterpress proof )
    Gutenberg Letterpress
  • Oct 30, 1556

    The first monthly newspaper

    This newspaper was made by the Venetian government called the Notizie scritte, readers would pay a small coin for this paper. Notizie scritte,
    ^for the link look under "Early Newspaper"
  • First Modern Newspapers

    First Modern Newspapers
    hey first modern newspapers were made in Europe such as The Realtion published in 1605, France Gazette published in in 1631, and Nieuwe Tijdingen published in 1616, London Gazette published in 1665. These all informed citizens of recent event going on.
    Modern Newspaperst
  • First Successful Newspaper

    First Successful Newspaper
    In 1704 the first successful newspaper was made, called the Boston News-Letter
  • First Newspaper Law

    First Newspaper Law
    In 1776 the first Newspaper law was passed, this law was made to protect presss freedom. The reason this law was made was because a newspaper had announced that King Charles I was being beheaded and they had put a picture in the newspaper. Many people got angry at this because it was such a violent image.
    First Newspaper Law
  • Final acception of Freedom of Press

    Final acception of Freedom of Press
    In 1791 was when it was finally ratified that there was freedom of press. Freedom of Press
  • Large Press machines

    Large Press machines
    Newspaper In the 1850's big presses appeared and made it easy to make thousands of newspapers an hour.
  • Golden Age of Media Begins

    Golden Age of Media Begins
    This is when the period called the "Golden Age" began, during this period media was at its best! William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer, and Lord Northcliffe were 3 of the biggest writers. They had huge influences in the Media business.
    (The picture is of Lord Northcliffe) Where i got the picture
  • Revamp newspaper

    Revamp newspaper
    During this period authors re-did the newspapers look to appeal more to people and more stories were published so more people would want to read them.
    (The picture is an example of an 1920 newspaper.)
    revemp newspapers
  • Drop of newspapers population

    Drop of newspapers population
    Once the radio broadcasting became popular newspapers population became less popular. this was between 1940 and 1990.
    (picture is of a newspaper chart of decline) newspaper chart
  • World Wide Newspaper Online

    World Wide Newspaper Online
    The first online newspaper was made.
    (Picture is of an online newpaper)
    First Web Newspaper
  • The first true Newspaper

    The first true Newspaper
    In 1996 the first actual newspaper made, Te London Gazette. It was also the first Enlgish newspaper.
  • First Newspaper 59 BC

    First Newspaper 59 BC
    The first newspaper was published in acient rome, this was the first newspaper to be recorded in history. Julius made this newspaper because he wanted to inform the people about what was going on. It was called the Acta Diurna. This was just written big boards and put in places where many people would gather.
    (The picture show Julius Ceaser)
    The First newspaper