
Someone Named Eva Timeline

By eek20l
  • Exposition 1

    Exposition 1
    Milada lives in Checleselvokia with her mom, dad, grandmother and brother.
  • Exposition 2

    Exposition 2
    Checleselvoia was rural and flat.
  • Exposition 3

    Exposition 3
    The characters are:
    Milada(Eva), Terezie, Mama, Papa, Jaroslav, and Babishka

    Nazis come to their home and take them away.
  • Rising action 1

    Rising action 1
    The Nazis take them to a gym where they spend 3 days.
  • Rising action 2

    Rising action 2
    Doctors come and chek all the blonde haired and blue eye children.
  • Rising action 3

    Rising action 3
    The nazis take Eva and Franziska to a church where they learn to be proper German girls.
  • Rising action 4

    Rising action 4
    The girls all wake up and they begin their lessons for the first day.
  • Rising action 5

    Rising action 5
    All of the girls learn german and begin normal lessons.
  • Rising action 6

    Rising action 6
    Eva befriends Liesel and they refuse to forget their old lives.
  • Rising action 7

    Rising action 7
    The girls go to town for the first time in two years but an old lady spits in Eva's face and calles her a nazi.

    Eva goes to live with a new German family.
  • Falling action 1

    Falling action 1
    Eva learnes that Herr Werner is a very important and powerful Nazi.
  • Falling action 2

    Falling action 2
    Eva gets a letter from Franziska that talks about how she loves her family and she wants to play with Eva and mmet each others familys
  • Falling action 3

    Falling action 3
    Mutter plans Eva's addoption party and showes Eva her Formal Gown.
  • Falling action 4

    Falling action 4
    Eva has a great time at her adoption party.
  • Falling action 5

    Falling action 5
    Eva sees the prison camp where her people are held and she runs away from Elsbeth towards their voices. When Eva gets to the fence she cuts her hands on the barbed wire.
  • Falling action 6

    Falling action 6
    The war moves to their area and starts affecting them.
  • Resolution 1

    Resolution 1
    Peter and Herr Warner leave to go into hiding.
  • Resolution 2

    Resolution 2
    The war is over! Hitler died! Grmany has surendered!
  • Resolution 3

    Resolution 3
    People from the Red Cross take Eva and reunite her with her mother. Her mother is very thin and sick and they have nowhere to live so they stay at a distant cousin's house.