Swindle-Collin Jouan

  • Exposition 1

    Exposition 1
    Grifin is a young kid with the plan. He has good ideas and thoughts. His best friend is Ben who is alwys by his side.
  • exposition2

    Griffen and Ben spend the night at a haunted house the day before it is to be demolished. He invites many kids but no one shows.
  • Exposition 3

    Exposition 3
    Characters are Ben and Griffen. Two mormal boys.
  • Rising action 1

    Rising action 1
    They find a Babe Ruth baseball card in a piece of furniture.
  • rising Action 2

    rising Action 2
    They go to S. Wedels Sports Palomino Emporium to trade in the card to see how much it is worth.
  • Rising 3

    Rising 3
    They saw S. Wendel on the t.v. selling the card for a very high price.
  • Rising ation 4

    Rising ation 4
    They are going to make a plan to break into S. Wendels house to try to steal the card back.
  • Rising Action 5

    Rising Action 5
    They get a team to break into his houde but Darren who is helping Griffen tries to take the card for himself.
  • Climax

    They go on the heist and might get caught
  • Falling action 1

    Falling action 1
    S. Wendel doesnt press charges because he knows he cheated them.
  • Falling action 2

    Falling action 2
    Winifred gave the card to his youngest relative.
  • Falling Action 3

    Falling Action 3
    They get caught on the heist
  • Resolution 1

    Resolution 1
    Darren ended up with the card. Ben and Griffen got very upset
  • Resolution 2

    Resolution 2
    Darrens parents made him donate all the money so he cant have it.