Exposition 1
When Capricorn Anderson was young he was kept in a sheltered community called Garland Farm with his grandmother, Rain. Cap veiws society differently , and does not know how to use everyday apliances like a locker because of his isolation. -
Expositin 2
Cap is trying to drive Rain to the hospital after she falls down while picking plums. Unfortunatley for Cap he gets arrested for driving under age. Rain is put in the hospital for eight weeks of rehabilitaion, and Cap gets sent to lve with Mrs. Donnelly, a former resident of Garland Farm. -
Exposition 3
Cap goes to school at C Average Middle School and meets Zach, the most popular boy in the grade. Every year at C Average a poor student gets chosen to be the school president and be the punching bag of the school. Since Cap is different fom everybody else he gets picked to be the school president, and does not realize the danger he is in. -
Rising Action 1
Everybody is making fun of Cap, and pulling pranks on him. Zach is happy with himself. Then Cap's bus driver has a heart attack and Cap drives him to the hospital. Cap gets arrested again but is veiwed as a hero by the school, this makes Zach angry because Cap has respect from the school. -
Rising Action 2
Cap teaches tie-dye shirts in the art room and most of the school shows up. Cap gains more popularity and Zach is getting angrier. -
Rising Action 3
Cap starts teaching Tai Chi in front of the school in the mornings. People start showing up to that, too. So Cap gains even more popularity and favor from the school. Zach is realizing that Cap is a threat to his own popularity. -
Rising Action 4
Zach shows up at lunch to find Cap in his hard earned lunch seat. This is the final straw for Zach so he partners up with Hugh Winklemen to help him bring Cap down. -
Rising Action 5
Cap is tricked by Hugh into wearing C Average's rival jersey at the pep rally. Cap get's tackled by the football team, and is hurt. Zach is happy with himself but people suspect him of having something to do with it. -
Rising Action 6
Zach is about to get punched for hurting Cap but Cap takes the punch for Zach because he belives in peace so strongly. Thismakes the school veiw Cap as a hero even more, and h gets taken off campus in an ambulance. -
Rising Action 7
Cap goes back to Harland Farm without saying goodbye to the school. People at the school are worried that Cap is seriously hurt from being tackled by the football team and getting punched in the face in the same day. There are even rummors that he is dead or brain dead. Everyone sees Zah for the jerk he is. -
Rising Action 8
The Halloween Dance gets canceled. The student body is mad because it was going to be a really good dance. Zach is tryig to regain popularity, and gets the idea that if he cannot go against the influence Cap had then he will jsut become one of them. So Zach gets everyone to go to school on the night of the Halloween Dance for a funeral for Cap. -
On the night of the funeral Cap decides that he has to see the dance he planned, and runs away from Harland Farm to go to the school. When he gets there he is in the middle of his own funeral, and people realize he is alve. -
Falling Action 1
Zach's plan to regain poularity fails. -
Falling Action 2
Rain realizes she cannot keep Cap sheltered his whole life. So she sells Harland Farm and her and Cap are rich. -
Falling Action 3
Cap goes back to C Average Middle School. Everyone there is happy to see him. -
Resolution 1
Sophie gets her drivers license because Cap taught her how to drive. -
Resolution 2
Cap get accepted back into C Average, and gets a girlfreind. -
Resolution 3
Cap lives a norma life with freinds and a school.