Forbidden forest cover picture

Forbidden Forest-By Nathan Robinson

  • Exposition Background Part 2

    Exposition Background Part 2
    Events before this like bad reviews , embarrasing events, and people thinking he was crazy when he talked about the forest's mystical creatures (he visited the forest in this book many times before this story began) led to the Changemaker becoming evil. But, on this day he saved the shadow witch's life which meant she had to become his slave. After this event the Changemaker went into the forest and changed all of the mystical creatures evil so nobody would enter the forest and disturb him.
  • Exposition 1 Background

    Exposition 1 Background
    Martha and Samuel, the main characters, lost their parents in a car crash. As the only surviving relative of the kids Aunt Eda took them to her house in the village of Flam in Norway. The twist to this is that Aunt Eda live near a HAUNTED FOREST.
  • Exposition 3 Characters

    Exposition 3 Characters
    One of the main characters is Samuel Blink, a 12 year old orphan from England, which hates Norway at the beginning of the story and is very lonely. Another main character is Martha, a ten year old and brother of Samuel, hasn't spoke since their parents died. Another main character is the Changemaker. The Changemaker does not appear in the beginning of the story but is very important to the storyline. The shadow witch is the slave of the Changemaker. Another main character is the Ibsen the dog.
  • Exposition 2 Setting

    Exposition 2 Setting
    The characters are on the outskirts of the village of Flam. In the book they are always in the village of Flam, Aunt Eda's house, or in the haunted forest.
  • Rising Action 1 Conflict

    Rising Action 1 Conflict
    The forest is very dangerous and is coming to the house Aunt Eda, Martha, and Samuel are staying. Aunt Eda warn the kids not to enter the forest but it is getting harder to do that because the creatures are coming out of the forest.
  • Rising Action 2

    Rising Action 2
    He finds a cat while he is playing outside. He chases it into a forest almost entering himself. Aunt Eda calls him back into the house after he broke the rule of going near the forest and told him the story of the forest creatures and how her husband dissappeared in the forest.
  • Rising Action 3

    Rising Action 3
    Samuel broke another rule by going into the attic. In there he found a book by the name of "Creatures of the Forest" tha t told him more about the forest and the creatures inside.
  • Rising Action 4

    Rising Action 4
    Martha not knowing the dangers of the forest entered and Samuel and Ibsen went in to save her without Aunt Eda knowing.
  • Rising Action 6

    Rising Action 6
    Aunt Eda noticing that the kids entered the forest went to the village to find a man that would help her but everybody was too scared. So she went into the forest only armed with a magical protection bracelet a villager found near the forest and her javelin.
  • Rising Action 5

    Rising Action 5
    After Martha walked into the forest she fell into a trap that was set for a mystical creatures called calooshes which are 3 headed birds. After falling in, huldres, which are human in form but have tails and evaporate in light, took her to prison. But Samuel did not know about this.
  • Climax!!!!!

    Samuel on his journey accidentally walked into a truth pixie's house. Being turned evil by the Changemaker a long time ago the pixie tried to feed Samuel poisonous soup. After Samuel found out the soup is poisonous (from the book he got from the attic) he questioned the pixie until she finally told him Martha was taken prisoner and told him directions to get her back before she was killed.
  • Falling Action 1

    Falling Action 1
    Samuel finds Martha, a 2 headed troll, a tomtegubb (a bear like creature), and the snow witch being taken to the Changemaker. The guards spot him and Ibsen and chase them into a troll village. The trolls are nice to Samuel and tell an alternate route to the Changemaker so he won't be spotted again.
  • Falling Action 2

    Falling Action 2
    The snow witch made a blizzard to stop the guards from taking them to the Changemaker. The prisoners escaped but the size and intensity of the spell killed her.
  • Falling Action 3

    Falling Action 3
    The Changemaker ordered the Shadow Witch to turn the kids into animals so they can't escape the forest. She turned Martha into a bird and Samuel into a bunny.
  • Rising Action 4

    Rising Action 4
    After the Shadow Witch refused to do anything else for the Changemaker the Changemaker stabbed her as she was leaving and stole her powers. Now the Changemaker could control all the creatures he ordered the Shadow Witch to change.
  • Resolution 3

    Resolution 3
    They left the forest promising to return to the again fun and magical place.
  • Falling Action 5

    Falling Action 5
    The Changemaker being ableto control Martha and Samuel he dragged them to a clearing that he was living in. Aunt Eda arrived at the scene when the Changemaker was attacking the kids with his minions. When the Changemaker saw this he started choking her with his dark magic.
  • Resolution 1

    Resolution 1
    To busy choking Aunt Eda and Ibsen the dog to notice that Samuel and Martha escaped his minions. Seeing the chance
    Samuel darted towards the Changemaker and poured the left over poisonous soup from the pixie's house into his mouth. He died instantly.
  • Resolution 2

    Resolution 2
    With the death of the Changemaker all of the changed creatures turned back to normal including the surviving Shadow Witch who got her powers back. Ibsen also turned back to normal into Uncle Henrik!!!!