Go big or go home cover

Go Big Or Go Home -Brad Holderfield

  • Exposition 1: Background

    Exposition 1: Background
    Brady is a 13 year old boy who finds a meteorite under his bed that burnt through his roof and bed
  • Exposition 2: Characters

    Exposition 2: Characters
    *Uncle Jake
  • Exposition 3: Setting

    Exposition 3: Setting
    Brady lives in the Black Hills of South Dekota with his dad and mom
  • Rising Action: Conflict

    Rising Action: Conflict
    Brady gets infected by the meteorite, this infection makes him much stronger, faster, and more endured. But this infection takes its toll
  • Period: to

    Order Of Events

  • Rising Action 7

    Rising Action 7
    The carver brothers now know about fred and arent that happy about it
  • Rising Action 2

    Rising Action 2
    the carver boys:max and buzz have had a grudge over brady ever since fourth grade from a project about custer (who conveinently happens to be in thier family)
  • Rising Action 3

    Rising Action 3
    Attilla is the big bad war dog from the carver's family
  • Rising Action 4

    Rising Action 4
    Brady's cousin Quinn is a better athlete than him,,, but not for long
  • Rising Action 5

    Rising Action 5
    Quinn might be moving to Wyoming with his father for buisness reasons
  • Rising Action 6

    Rising Action 6
    Brady keeps his meteorite a.k.a "fred" a secret from the carver boys

    Brady gets his "superpowers"
  • Falling Action 1

    Falling Action 1
    Brady and Quinn are able to find more exteme events to do
  • Falling Action 2

    Falling Action 2
    Brady and quinn know all about fred and where he came from
  • Falling Action 3

    Falling Action 3
    Atilla wasnt bad after all, saying he saved Brady from falling off a cliff and dying
  • Falling action 4

    Falling action 4
    The carvers arent who they act to be, they have no more problems with brady
  • Resolution 1

    Resolution 1
    Quinn and Brady are friends with all the carvers now
  • Resolution 2

    Resolution 2
    Max,Buzz,Cal,Quinn, and the professor threw fred down the abyss of hades to end his manacing once and for all
  • Resolution 3

    Resolution 3
    Brady and Attilla didnt die from the microbe desease that came from fred