Latin America

  • Oct 12, 1492

    christopher columbus

    christopher columbus
    on october 12, 1492, also known as columbus day, christopher columbus found the americas. When finding this he initially thought that he was in India hence the name of the indians.
  • Dec 1, 1492

    the columbian exchange

    the columbian exchange
    the event of christopher columbus discovering america brought about another event called the columbian echange. the columbian exchange is the reason for many of the things we have in america today such as grapes, sugar cane, bananas, and even pigs.
  • May 14, 1502


    in 1502, montezuma became the ninth aztec emperor. he believed that was too big so he tried to increase his power. he tried to take over the Tlaxcalans but he did not end up being able to conquer them.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    cortes was part of the Spanish conquest to take over cuba in 1511 and eventually become mayor of cuba until he left in 1518. Hernan cortes passed by the city of tikal but he never wrote about it in his letters and was never said to have discovered it.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    the fall of tenochtitlan

    the fall of tenochtitlan
    the last emperor, cuauhtémoc, surrenders tenochtitlan to cortes.
  • May 14, 1527

    francisco pizarro

    francisco pizarro
    in 1527, francisco pizarro made his first expedition on his own to find the incan empire. the whole expedition to about one year. they found the incas and gold and then went back to panama to share the news.
  • simon bolivar

    simon bolivar
    simon bolivar led a group to organize the republic of columbia and became its first president
  • the discovery of machu picchu

    the discovery of machu picchu
    professor at Yale University, Hiram Bingham, was looking for the incan fortress of vilcabamba when he found the city of machu picchu. the fortress that he was looking for was only 50 miles away from machu picchu.