Timeline for revolutions

By donald
  • English Bill of Rights

  • Period: to


  • Seven years' war peace treaty between Great britain and France

  • Stamp act

    Passed by Great Britain Paliament as a direct taxation of north American colonist
  • Repeal of stamp act

  • Townsend act

  • Riots in Boston met with violence by British troops

  • Boston tea Party

  • First Continental Congress

  • Declaration of Independence

  • Treaty of Amity and Commerce and a treaty of Alliance

  • Ratification of the Constitution of the U.S.A

  • Estates general Convened for the first time in 174 Years in France

  • Storming the Bastille, (France)

  • National Conttituent Assembly and Franch Declareation of theRights of Man

  • Beheading of King louis XVI

  • Slave rebelion in Saint Domingue

  • U.S Bill of Rights ratified in U.S.

  • French National Assembl gives Citizenship to all free people of clor in the colony of Saint Domingue

  • France declares war on Austria

  • France declares war on Great Britain

  • Slave emancipated o Saint Donigue to join french army to fight Britain

  • Toussaint leads troops against Britain

  • french colonial forces defeated by Toussaint

  • Toussaint Negotiates peace with britain

  • war ends against France and Britain

  • Constitution for Haiti

  • Genaral Leclerc sent by Napolean to subdue colony and re-institute slavery

  • New declaration of war between Great britain and France

  • French withdraw troops; Haittians declare independence

  • Napolean crowns himself Emperor of haiti

  • Jean-Jacques Dessalines crowns himself emperor of Haiti

  • U.S. President Jefferson declares economic boycott of haiti, France, and great Britain

  • French Occupation of Spain

  • British ends slave trade

  • Declarations of self-government in most Latin America colonies

  • French expelled from Spain

  • Napolean defeated and french empire rudced in europe to France only

  • french abolish slave trade

  • U.S. President monroe declares doctrine against Europe intererence with the new republics in the Americas, known as the Monroe Doctrine