Aristole 384- 322BC
Greek Philosopher whom argued that all mattere was made of Only four elements earth air water & fire for the next 2,000 years he overshadowed Democritus. -
Democritus 460 - 370BC
Greek philosopher Democritus proposed that all matter was made of small, unbreakable particles he called atoms, he thought atoms were to small to be seen. He used a beach as an example: far away it looks like a solid mass but close you can tell its made of small grains of sand. -
Battle of Actium 31 BC
Antony and Cleopatra defeated. Soon after, Augustus (Octavian) became 1st emperor of Rome. -
Rutherford- Bohr model
Atomic Planetary Model
May 13, 1000
Plum Pudding Model
May 13, 1110
Small, Spherical, Indivisble solid model
Plan of Union
William Penn proposes his Plan of Union, the earliest known attempt at unified government in the 13 Colonies. -
Isaac Newton
Proposed a mechanical universe with small solid masses in motion. -
John Dalton
in 1809 Dalton proposed the following:...
1) all mater was made of neutral atoms.
2) Atoms were solid spheres.
3) Atoms of different elements differed in mass.
4) atoms were indivisible and Indestructible.
5) Atoms combine to form compounds. -
Sir Wiliam Crookes
Crookes constructed a glass tube with two metal plates inside it he removed almost all the air from the tube and sealed it when he connected the plates the + and - terminals of a high voltage battery he observed a mysterious glowing ray from experiments he was able to prove the ray was matter. -
Wilhelm Roentgen
Professor of physics in Worzburg, Bavaria was the First person to discover the possibility of using electromagnetic radiation to creat what we know as the xray. -
Henri Becquerel
Discovered radioactivity 1920 -
JJ Tohmson
He discovered the Electron! -
Robert Millikan
Discovered the charge of an electrons in 1909 -
Dmitri Mendeleef
Arranged elements into 7 groups with similar properties. He discovered that the properties of elements "were periodic functions of the their atomic weights". This became known as the Periodic Law. -
Gilbert N. Lewis
American Physical Chemist known for the Discovery of the Covalent Bond -
Marie Curie
discovered Polonium in 1898 -
Frederick Soddy
English Radiochemist, explained with Ernest Rutherfod that radioactivity is due to the transmution of elements he also proved the exstence of istopes of certain radio active elements he received the Noble Prize for Chem in 1922 & has a crater named for him on the far side of the moon. -
Niels Bohr
1913 proposed that electrons are arranged in up to 7 specific energy levels the arrangement of these electrons. -
James Chadwick
Discovered a 3-D subatomic particle in the atom called it the neutron because it was neutrul -
Henri Becquerel
While studying the effect of x-rays on photographic film, he discovered some chemicals spontaneously decompose and give off very pentrating rays. -
Founding of Rome
776 Legendary founding of Ancient Olympics
Werner Heisenberg
Heisenberg, along with Max Brown and Pascual Jordan, set forth the matrix formulation of quantum mechanics in 1925 -
H.G.J. Moseley
Using x-ray tubes, determined the charges on the nuclei of most atoms. He wrote"The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus". This work was used to reorganize the periodic table based upon atomic number instead of atomic mass. -
World War One Begins -
de Broglie
Discovered that electrons had a dual nature-similar to both particles and waves. Particle/wave duality. Supported Einstein. -
James Chadwick
Using alpha particles discovered a neutral atomic particle with a mass close to a proton. Thus was discovered the neutron. -
Lise Meitner, Hahn, Strassman
Conducted experiments verifying that heavy elements capture neutrons and form unstable products which undergo fission. This process ejects more neutrons continuing the fission chain reaction. -
ww2 begins -
1977-1978: US gives up panama canall
9/11 Attack on New York and Washington.
US evades Iraq
2009: President Obama elected into office.
Electrom cloud model