Russian Revolution

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    Russian Revolution

  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Russia lagged behind in industry, so within these years they started to produce steel heavily. There was consequesnce to this however. Some factories needed money and soon the people were taxed. Along with high taxes those who worked in factories recieved poor wages. Child labor was also in effect during this time. This caused some workers to hold strikes, which was one of the first signs of the revolution to come.
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    Russia lagged behind in industry, so within thses years they started to produce steel heavily. There was consequesnce to this however. Some factories needed money and soon the people were taxed. Along with high taxes those who worked in factories recieved poor wages and child labor was also in effect. This caused some workers to hold strikes, which was one of the first signs of the revolution to come.
  • Czar Nicholas II Rules

    Czar Nicholas II Rules
    The Czars of Russia favoredan autocracy, which is a government in which the Czar has all the power. They used censorship within the country, they used a secret police, and had every teacher fill out a deatailed report on student, When Nicholas came into power he continued the tradition of an autocratic government. However, times were chaning and the people no longer wanted to be put under an autocracy.
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    Development of Revolutionary Groups
    Soon Russia splits into two groups the Mensheviks, who want a broad range of people to support them throughout the revolution. while the other group is the Bolsheviks, who want a small base of people to support them, however they expect their members to be very comitted. Lenin becomes leader of the Bolsheviks. This shpws how Russia will soon be led into a revolution because when the groups are formed, each of them fight for control.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    On this day workers carry a petition to the Czar's Palace. However the Czar commands his soldiers to open fire on the crowd and they do. Soon after another riot, Czar Nicholas reluctantly creates the Duma (parliment). Though after only just ten weeks the czar disbans it, taking power for himself once again.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Even though his country is falling apart, Czar Nicholass enters WWI. Soon, though, he experiences defeat after defeat. The Russo-Japanese war had already lowered the moral of the Russians, but in WWI the Germans proceeded to kill thousands of Russian troops on the battle front. This failure shows the country, and even the world, that Russia has both a weakness in military strength and its overall ruling method.
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    World War I

    Even though his country is falling apart, Czar Nicholass enters WWI. Soon, though, he experiances defeat after defeat. The Russo-Japanese war had already lowered the moral of the Russians, but in WWI the Germans proceeded to kill thousands of Russian troops on the battle front. THis failure shows the country, and even the world, that Russia has both a weakness in military strength and its overall ruling method.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    Wonen from a textile company start a srike leading to five days of riots shortages of food and fuel. More than 150,000 people are killed by the czars guards, as he orders them to fire into the crowds. However, soon the guards side with the people.
    This riot soon turned into an uprising now called the March Revolution.
  • Czar Nicholas II Steps Down from Power

    Czar Nicholas II Steps Down from Power
    Because of the March Revolution and the general dislke od the casr himself, Nicholas II is forced to abdicate his throne. Soon after, he and his family are executed.
    The people succeeded iun bringing down the czar, however tehy didnt realise that once this was done they would have to put in another form of governent.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Duma sets up a provisional government, one that is only temporary. the leader of this government, Alexander Kerensky, decides to keep fighting in WWI, because of thi both people and soldiers hate him.
    Without a warning men calling themselves the Bolshevik Red Guard storm the govrnment offices and arrests the oficials. Thus Russia's government is changed again.
  • Lenin Comes to Power

    Lenin Comes to Power
    Lenin realizes that Russia is in dismay and because of this he doesnt go through with his state-controlled economy plan and instead created the New Econimical Poiocy and many other things. However, the Communist Party, formerly the Bolsheviks, have all the power in Russia with Lenin as their dictator.
  • Stalin Becomes a Dictator

    Stalin Becomes a Dictator
    After Lenin's stroke in 1922 and only just six years of being ruled under a dictator, Stalin begins to copete for the title of dictator with Trotsky. Eventually after working his way through the Communist Party's government Stalin gets enough of his supporters into positions of power and takes over. He then goes on to rule for another twenty-five.