
The Russian Revolution

  • Nicholas II becomes czar

    Nicholas II becomes czar
    Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia in 1894, he continued the tradition of Russian autocracy.
  • Russian Industrialization

    Russian Industrialization
    Nicholas made his most sensable move to start a program in an effort to move the country forward not backwards. The countries economical increase was through the raise in taxes. This helped to a heavy boost in industry, and a big change in Russian economy. The outcome of the Russian Industrialization was both positive and negative ways.
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    Development of Revolutionary Groups
    Many Russians became fearful due to the rises of the factories and industrialzation problems. The working class had little to no say in government banning the trade union. Many workers would hold strikes and started to feel the working class citizens should overthow the Czar.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    About 200,000 workers and their families approached the czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. They carried a petition asking for better working conditions, more personal freedom and an elected national legislature. Nicholas II's general ordered solidiers to fire on the crowd. More than 1,000 were wounded and several hundred killed.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Czar Nicholas's II ordered Russia to enter World War l. Russia wasnt ready to handle the military and economic costs entering the battle against German due to what was going on within the country.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Women textile workers organized a strike. Russian workers wanted a nation of the restricting autocracy policies . Nearly 200,000 workers ran the streets of the city demanding change. Russian soldiers ordered to shoot the protesters, but later disobeyed the previous commands and sided with the workers.
  • Czar Nicholas II Steps Down

    Czar Nicholas II Steps Down
    Czar was forced to leave his throne. With no leader in control, the Duma set up a provisional government. Kerensky, head of the Duma, lost support of the Russian people though after he decided to continue Russian efforts in World War l. This angered soldiers and civilians which caused local soviets to come into existance.
  • Lenin Comes to Power

    Lenin Comes to Power
    Through a mixture of planing and luck. He became leader of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social and Democratic Labour Party. Russia looking for a new leader Lenin looked like a good fit for the Russia government.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 was initiated by millions of people who would change the history of the world as we know it. When Czar Nicholas II dragged 11 million peasants into World War I, the Russian people became discouraged with their injuries and the loss of life they sustained. The country of Russia was in ruins, ready for a uprising.
  • Stalin Becomes a Dictator

    Stalin Becomes a Dictator
    As Stalin became a general secretary of the Party he got close supporters into roles of power. When Lenin died in 1924 he warned the Party of the nature of Stalin. Stalin rose to complete power, and into the role of a dictator.