Russian Revolution

  • Industrialization

    The number of factories nearly doubled. to finance all of the new industries, the governments raised taxes and looked for foreign investors. The growth of factories brought problems like bad working conditions, low wages, and child labor
  • Czar Nicholas Rule

    Czar Nicholas Rule
    Czar Nicholas continued the tradition of Russian autocracy.
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    Development of Revolutionary Groups
    many revolutionary groups grew and wanted power. a group called the Marxist revolutionaries believied that the industrial class of workers would be able to overthrow the czar & that the workers would form a dictatoriship of the workers.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Many workers and their families carried a petition for better working conditions, more freedoms, and an elected national legislature. Nicholas II sent in soldiers to fire on the crowd. Over 1,000 were wounded and several hundred people were killed.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Russia was unprepared to handle all the costs. They had weaks generals and poorly equipped troops. Russia kept getting defeated to a point where over 4 million were either wounded, killed, or taken as prisoners.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Women textile workers led to a citywide strike. There were riots over the shortage of bread and fuel. About 200,000 workers striked against the war and autocracy.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    The Czar Steps Down
    All of the protests and general uprisings led Czar Nicholas II to abdicate his throne and he and his family were eventually executed.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolshevik Red Guards took over government offices and arrested leaders of the provisional government. Farmland had been ordered to be distributed among the peasants & control over factories was given to the workers. Civil Wars raged in Russia.
  • Lenin in Power

    Lenin in Power
    Lenin restored to a small version of capitalism which he called the New Economic Policy. Government kept control of major industries but let small businesses opperate under private ownership. Lenin also organized Russia into several self-governing republics under the central government. Thanks to all of these reforms, Russia slowly started to recover.
  • Stalin Becomes Dictator

    Stalin Becomes Dictator
    Stalin started off as general secretary of the Communist Party. By 1928, Stalin was in complete control of the Communist Party & had absolute power as a dictator.