Road To War (Samantha Bobbitt)

  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    As a reasult of the Kellogg-Briand Pact, Japan condemned war and pledged to resolve all disputes peacefully.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    This was created to protest to protect American industries from foreign countries.
  • Manchuria

    Japan's army seized all of Manchuria. A.K.A. Manchurian Incident.
  • Neutrality Act One

    Banned the United States from providing weapons to nations at war.
  • Neutrality Act Two

    Banned loans to nations at war.
  • Neutrality Act Three

    Permitted trade with fighting nations in nonmilitary goods as long as they participated in cash and carry.
    Cash and Carry- Paying upfront and transporting your purchase.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Hitler and Italy adided the nationalists in the spanish civil war.
  • Austria

    Germany forcefully gained control of Austria.
  • Conquered Land

    Italy conquered Ethiopia, Japan invaded Manchuria, Germany gained control of Austria and Sudetenland.
  • Appeasment

    Edouard Daladier (french president) met with Mussolini to make an appeasement policy,
    Appeasement- giving in to a competitor's demands in order to maintain peace.
  • Neutral

    America continued to remain neutral throughout the disputes in Europe.
  • End of the Spanish Civil War

    The nationalists took over the capital of Spain, Madrid, resulting in the end the of the Spanish Civil War.
  • Germany

    September 1st Hilter invaded Poland,
    September 3rd Britain and France declared war on Germany.
  • Phony War Ended

    February : British scientists cracked Germany's secret code for communication.
    April 9th : Germany attacked Denmark and Norway once the sit down war came to an end.
    May 10th : Germany blitzkrieged the Netherlands, Belguim and Luxembourg.
  • Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Japnese prime minister wanted to extrend Manchuria to the Dutch Indies in the south.
  • Roosevelt

    Roosevelt and Wendell Willkie (republican) encouraged the aid to the allies. He pushed for more American involvment once he won his third term. Trade was limited with Japan.
  • Battle at Britain

    Hilter set up the biggest air attack, in war, on Britain. He targeted ports, airfeilds, and radar installations at first. Later, he also aimed for aircraft factories, and oil storage tanks.
  • Neutral

    Japan and the Soviet Union signed a neutrality agreement.
  • Lend Lease Act

    Authorized the president to aid any nation whose defense he beleived was vital to American security.
  • Before Pearl Harbor

    Tojo became the prime minister in Japan. Around the same time, the U.S. became aware of Japan's planned warplace attack, but the location was unknown.
  • Pearl Harbor

    7:00 a.m. Japanese warplanes attacked Peal Harbor.
    -180 war planes
    -200 U.S. warplanes damaged or destroyed
    -18 U.S. warships sunk or severly damaged
    - 8 of 9 U.S. battleships destroyed
    - 29 planes lost by Japan
  • Post Pearl Harbor

    Congress passed a war resolution for the U.S.
  • War

    Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.