
Kennedy Assassination

By stazz12
  • Period: to

    The Assasination of J.F. Kennedy

  • Period: to

    The Assassination of J.F. Kennedy

  • Kennedy is Shot at..

    Kennedy is Shot at..
    12:30pm: J.F.K. is shopt as his limousine descends down the slope in front of the book depository at the corner of Houston and Elm.
  • Emergency Room

    Emergency Room
    12:38: J.F.K. is rushed to the Parkland Hospital's emergency room, where he is treated by Dr. Charles R. Baxter and Dr. William Kemp Clark.
  • Pronounced dead

    Pronounced dead
    1:30pm: J.F. Kennedy is pronounced dead by Dr. William Kemp Clark.
  • Oswald captured

    Oswald captured
    1:50pm: Lee Harvey Oswald is discovered and taken into custody by the police, who believe that he is the shooter.
  • Johnson sworn in

    Johnson sworn in
    2:38pm: Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as President of the United States.
  • Oswald charged

    Oswald charged
    7:10pm: Lee Harvey Oswald is charged for the murder of J.F. Kennedy
  • Period: to

    The Assasination of J.F.K.