John f kennedy

JFK assassination

  • John and Jackie Kennedy arrive at Dallas, Texas

    John and Jackie Kennedy arrive at Dallas, Texas
    Jonh and Jackie Kennedy boards the Presidential limousine for an 11 mile ride through the streets of Dallas
  • The New President

    The New President
    At 2:38, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson becomes the new President of the United States.
  • An arrest is made

    An arrest is made
    One hour and twenty minutes after the Kennedy assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald is arrested for the assassination of JFK.
  • Tragety in Texas

    Tragety in Texas
    As the Presidential motorcade made the turn onto Elm Street, President John F. Kennedy was fataly shot at 12:30 p.m. CST.
  • Period: to

    The assassination of JFK.

  • Murder of a Murderer

    Murder of a Murderer
    Kennedy assassion Lee Harvey Oswald is shot and killed by Jack Ruby durring a prisioner transport to a maximum security prison.
  • Kennedy's final resting place

    Kennedy's final resting place
    President Kennedy is burried, and the eternal flame is lighted at his grave. The flame has been burning since his burrial.