The Start!
Once there where 3 lil' pigs. Named Bill, Gill, and Jill. They were all big strong pigs, they decided that they will all go off for 1 week and build their own house. So they went off there own seperate ways. It wasnt long before they all reunited bbecause they coulnt build a house alone in a week, who could? its a crazy idea! -
The house Build ans The Party!
Thew pigts worked long and hard for 3 hole days they worked there lil hoves down 2 the fat skin. Soon after they had finished! tHe most uglyest house ever built! Period! It was 1/3rd straw, 1/3rd sticks and 1/3rd brick! it was generally an eye sore but the pigs didn't matter they only had 35% vision between them. They staged an big party and invited there whole famnily...which sadly only consisted of the three of them, but all in all they had a good time eating pork! But then it happened! -
THe Escape
The ran out what was left of there door and ran for the high hills! They didn't stop running! THey ran and ran and ran, On the way they picked up all sorts of different things. These included hats, super hero capes and even another pig named Clarance. Clarance wa a pig form a farm who one day hgoped to be a world champing runner, he thought that the three Lil' Pigs shared his dream, so he ran along side them. So he and the pigs found out that the finish line was closer then they thought.. -
Destruction at 2!
A giant baby had broken out of the zoo and was on the rampage. The 3 lil' pigs had no idea what was install for them...They baby was atracted to the eye sore of a house he thought it was a lego block house and began destroing the hose the pigs screamed! "Why us WHY!!?? They were so scared they didnt know what to do! Gill sugested run run as fast as you can you cant catch me im a pig -
The End of The Run
With the Toddler cvloing in steadly on the Three Lil' Pigs and Clarence they were starting to sweat and worrie. They were looking around fro a place to get away to but they were without luck...The frist to go at the hands was the littlest pig grabed with oine massive swoop of a huge sticky dirty hand. He screamed and yelled as he was palced in the front pocket of the giant toddler..soon followed by the the next and Clarance. The hand swooped down grabing the final pig! He awoke in a hot sweat! -
Just A Dream!
He awkoe it was jsut a dream! He rubbed his eyes and went to sleep...The end!