Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
Portugal Expleror's
Jan 1, 1432
Portuguese navagators discover Azores
Jan 1, 1441
Portuguese navigators reestablish slave trade
Jan 1, 1450
Prince Henry establishes a Naval observatory for navagation, astromony, and cartography
Jan 1, 1450
Invention of the printing press
Jan 1, 1453
Turks overrun Contantinople; shutting off the Silk Road
Jan 1, 1470
Portuguese explorer's discover Africa's gold coast and the Congo River
Jan 1, 1487
Bartholomeu Dias touches the Cape of Good Hope
Jan 1, 1492
Christopher Columbus sets sail
Jan 1, 1494
The Treaty of Tordesillas makes Spain and Portugal enemies for the alleged purpose of spreading Christianity
Jan 1, 1497
Vasco da Gama rounds the Cape of Good Hope and reaches India
Jan 1, 1497
John Cabot claims new land
Jan 1, 1504
Venice proposes a Suez Canal to the Sultan of Turkey
Jan 1, 1506
Christopher Columbus dies
Jan 1, 1511
Portugal defeats the Arabs in a major naval battle at the Straits of Sunda
Jan 1, 1512
England begin contruction of double-deck warships
Jan 1, 1519
Magellan begins his journey to circumnavigate the world with five ships and 270 men
Apr 27, 1521
Magellan killed Philipian natives
Sep 6, 1522
18 of Magellan's crew, and one ship return
Jan 1, 1534
Jacques Cartier enters the St. Lawrence River
Jan 1, 1577
Sir Francis Drake sets sail to circumnavigate the globe
Henry Hudson explores present-day New York and Hudson River