500-1500 AD

  • 527

    Roman law code

    Regin of Justinian in eastern Roman Empire makes a new code of roman law.
  • Nov 11, 612


    Mohammed begins preaching
  • Nov 9, 622


    islam is found
  • Period: Nov 9, 1014 to Nov 9, 1015

    black death

    Black death is the bubonic plague. it swept all throughtout eurpoe killing billions of people.
  • Nov 9, 1027


    Cnut invades Scotland, recieves homage from king Macolm II.
  • Nov 9, 1035


    William the conquerer succeds as Duke Normandy.
  • Nov 9, 1064


    William of normandy conquers Maine.
  • Nov 9, 1348

    black death moves

    Black death reaches england from France
  • Vikings

    After 786 first vikings raid on england
  • roman empire

    Dec 25 charlemagne crowned holy roman emperior in rome
  • vikings

    vikings raid: London, Rochester, Kent, Southampton