50 Random European Events Timeline After 1815 by Jackson Cheek

  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna
    Being an international diplomatic conference to reconstitute the European political order after the downfall of the French Emperor Napoleon I. It was a meeting of ambassadors of European states chaired by Austrian statesman Klemens von Metternich, and held in Vienna from September 1814 to June 1815. It was meant to resize original boundaries, and quell the ongoing revolutions fallout-ing from the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Overthrown again

    Napoleon Bonaparte Overthrown again
    Napoleon Bonaparte, being defeated at the Battle of Waterloo at the end of the Seventh War of the Coalition. His army was routed and defeated. Him being forced into Exile again, to St Helena. And the monarchy restored. With the Bourbon Restoration of power.
  • The Greek War of Independence Begins

    The Greek War of Independence Begins
    Following a sphere of nationalism across Europe, Greece went onto a War of Independence from 1821 to 1829 against the Ottoman Empire. Alexander Ypsilantis would start the revolt with followers, and soon with British, French and Russian aid. While the Ottomans were aided by their North African vassals, particularly the eyalet of Egypt.
  • Greece Independence

    Greece Independence
    Greece, on the 25th of March, 1829, after a bloody war, and a Russian invasion of the Ottoman Empire, it accepted Greek autonomy in the Treaty of Adrianople. After nine years of war, Greece was finally recognized as an independent state, via the London Protocol of February 1830. It further weakened Ottoman Power in Europe. But was a opening to Liberal ideals, and movements in Europe. Leading to future revolution.
  • The July Revolution

    The July Revolution
    Due to a rise of Modernisation, and a want of more modern views, starting in July but continuing in 1830's, launched France again into a revolution. It leads to a creation of a constitutional monarchy. Charles the X and his son the Dauphin, abdicated the throne. Soon an August uprising in Brussels and the Southern Provinces of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, leading to separation and the establishment of the Kingdom of Belgium. Italy and Poland had unsuccessful Revolutions.
  • The Beginning of the end of Slavery, and abolished in the British Empire

    The Beginning of  the end of Slavery, and abolished in the British Empire
    By order of Parliament, the Slavery Abolition Act, (1833), abolished slavery in most British colonies. At the time, it freed more than 800,000 enslaved Africans in the Caribbean and South Africa as well as a small number in Canada. And It lead to England further dictating practice of slavery against it's enemies and neighbors in Europe.
  • The German Revolution

    The German Revolution
    Following France's revolution, it was a series of coordinated protests powered on pan-Germanism and demonstrated popular discontent with the traditional, largely autocratic political structure of the thirty-nine independent states of the Confederation. But As the middle class and working class components of the Revolution split, the conservative aristocracy ended it. But, while the confederation split, Germany became a state, and a liberal constitution was made.
  • The 1848 French Revolution

    The 1848 French Revolution
    France was hit by a wave of enlightenment, and Romanticism. This was the Revolution that ended the July Monarchy for good and established the French Second Republic, under the Provisional government. It sparked a wave of revolutions across the continent, most ending in failure. The Revolution established the principle of the right to work, and created National Workshops.
  • The Greater Poland Uprisng

    The Greater Poland Uprisng
    Seeing the rise of nationalism in the West, and suffering Anti-Polish policies and programs, Poland again revolted. It turned into an unsuccessful military insurrection against Prussia, who held much of Poland. That and protests were held in Polish inhabited regions of Silesia. With Prussian victory in May, the Autonomy of Grand Duchy of Posen was removed, and then Posen was transformed into the Province of Posen.
  • The June Uprising of France

    The June Uprising of France
    Following a return of Conservative poltics, an uprising was staged by workers from 22nd to 26th of June . It was in response to plans to close the National Workshops. The National Guard, was called out to quell the rebellion. Tens of thousands of people were killed, while thousands of insurgents were deported to French Algeria. The event ended an idea of a socialist or democratic republic.
  • The Risorgimento

    The Risorgimento
    Following the 1848 revolutions, there were organized revolts in the states of the Italian peninsula and Sicily, led by intellectuals and agitators who desired a liberal government, and ending Austrian rule. The revolution was led by the state of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Some uprisings in the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia, particularly in Milan, forced the Austrian's back. But the overwhelming Austrian army put down the revolt.
  • Louis' Coup d'état

    Louis' Coup d'état
    Faced with the prospect of having to leave office in 1852, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (nephew of Napoléon Bonaparte), in December of 1851, timed to coincide with the anniversary of Napoleon I's coronation/victory at Austerlitz, had a coup that dissolved the National Assembly. And had another constitution approved days later by a constitutional referendum, the Constitution of 1852, which gave him greatly increased powers and a longer-term length. He proclaimed himself Napoleon the III.
  • The Crimean War Begins

    The Crimean War Begins
    From October 1853 to February 1856, in which Russia fought and was defeated in the Crimean Region to an alliance of France, the Ottoman Empire, England and Piedmont-Sardinia. The war involved the rights of Christians in Crimea, Palestine and in the Ottoman Empire. France promoted Roman Catholics, Russia promoted Eastern Orthodox. And fear of Russian imperial expansion. The English and French were also attempting to prop up the dying Ottoman Empire to keep balance in the Concert of Europe.
  • Battle of the Alma River

    Battle of the Alma River
    A Force of British, French and Ottomans made a landing in Crimea on the 14th. Allied commanders, Maréchal Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud and Lord Raglan marched toward the port of Sevastopol. Russian commander Alexander Sergeyevich Menshikov rushed his forces to the last defensive position, the Alma Heights. The French Broke the Russian Left, The British twice assaulted the Russians' position on their right. Eventually, the British forced the Russians to retreat.
  • The Siege of Sevastopol

    The Siege of Sevastopol
    Lasting from October 1854 until September 1855, British, French, Ottoman and Sardinian forced intended to make a march to Sevastopol, the capital of the Crimea, with 50,000 men. The march had several battles such as Alma (September 1854), Balaklava (October 1854), Inkerman (November 1854), Tchernaya (August 1855), Redan (September 1855), and, Malakoff (September 1855). During the siege, the allied navy undertook six bombardments of the capital.
  • Battle of Balaclava

    Battle of Balaclava
    During the Crimean War, during the Siege of Sevastopol, under the Command of General Pavel Petrovich Liprandi, the Russians failed to capture Balaklava, the Black Sea supply port of the allied forces in Southern Crimea under command of General FitzRoy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan and General François Certain Canrobert; but the British lost control of their best supply road connecting Balaklava with the heights above Sevastopol.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    Due to fear of Austrian intervention, Negotiations to end the Crimean War began in Paris, February 1856. it in the signing of the Treaty of Paris in March. Russia Returned e the city of Kars. Russia returned the Southern Bessarabia to Moldavia. Allies restored to Russia The ports of Sevastopol, Balaklava, Kamish, Eupatoria, Kerch, Jenikale, and Kinburn. The Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia were returned to the Ottoman Empire, but they in practice became independent.
  • Russia's Emancipation of the Serfs

    Russia's Emancipation of the Serfs
    Following a speech given by Tsar Alexander II on the 30th March 1856, The 1861 Emancipation Manifesto proclaimed the emancipation of the serfs on private estates and of the domestic serfs. By this edict more than 23 million people received their liberty. The Serfs gained the full rights of free citizens, including rights to marry without having to gain consent, to own property and to own a business.
  • The British Raj Is settled.

    The British Raj Is settled.
    After English traders essentially controlled the Indian Market, and The British East India Company mostly entered India. The system of governance was instituted in 1858 when the rule of the East India Company was transferred to the Crown in the person of Queen Victoria. The Nation would prove to be a viable importance to England, for resources and trade of goods. England also gained good manpower from the state, holding England a viable position in Asia. Raining till 1947.
  • The Second Italian War of Independence

    The Second Italian War of Independence
    Fought between the Second French Republic and the Savoyard Kingdom of Sardinia against the Austrian Empire in 1859, in the Plombières Agreement, France agreed to aid Sardinia against Austrria in return for the Duchy of Savoy and the County of Nice. The two states signed a military alliance in January 1859. From the 26th April – 12th July 1859, Invading Austrian forces were pushed back back the duo alliance
  • The Armistice of Villafranca

    The Armistice of Villafranca
    This armistice signed the end of the Second War of Independence for Italy. Austria ceded Lombardy to France, who then gave it to Sardinia.Sardinia annexed the United Provinces of Central Italy, consisting of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Duchy of Parma, the Duchy of Modena and Reggio and the Papal Legations, on the 22nd of March 1860. Two days after, Sardinia ceded Savoy and Nice to France at the Treaty of Turin as compensation.
  • The Austro-Prussian War Begins

    The Austro-Prussian War Begins
    Fought in 1866 between the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia, it was part of the wider rivalry between Austria and Prussia, and resulted in Prussian dominance over the German states. The war erupted as a result of the dispute between Prussia and Austria over the administration of Schleswig-Holstein, which the two of them had conquered from Denmark and agreed to jointly occupy at the end of the Second Schleswig War in 1864.
  • The Third Italian War of Independence

    The Third Italian War of Independence
    Again between the Kingdom of Italy and the Austrian Empire fought between June and August of 1866. The conflict paralleled the Austro-Prussian War and resulted in Austria conceding the region of Venetia (present-day Veneto, Friuli and the city of Mantua, the last remnant of the Quadrilatero) to France, which were later annexed by Italy after a plebiscite. It was a major step of Full unification.
  • The Peace of Prague, End of Austro-Prussian War

    The Peace of Prague, End of Austro-Prussian War
    In order to prevent a "idea of bitterness and revenge" and forestall intervention by France or Russia, Otto Von Bismarck pushed King William I of Prussia to have peace. The Austrians accepted mediation, The Peace of Prague on the 23rd of August 1866. The dissolution of the German Confederation, Prussian annexation of four of Austria’s former allies, and the permanent exclusion of Austria from German affairs. This left Prussia free to form the North German Confederation the next year.
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian War
    Between the Second French Empire and the North German Confederation led by the Kingdom of Prussia. Lasting from 19th July 1870 to 28th January 1871, the conflict was caused by the faltering France's aim to reassert its dominant position in continental Europe, questioning the decisive Prussian victory over Austria in 1866, and the Spanish question of rule. It is possible that Prussian chancellor Otto von Bismarck deliberately provoked war on Prussia to gain 4 German states.
  • Battle of Sedan, Napoleon the III taken Prisoner

    Battle of Sedan, Napoleon the III taken Prisoner
    After losing the Battles of Mars-la-Tour and Gravelotte. August 16, 1870 - August 18, 1870, the Weakened French army retreated to Sedan. From the 1st to the 2nd of Sept, The French Army of Châlons, accompanied by Napoleon III, surrounded by the Fourth Army and the Prussian Third Army. Bombarded from all sides by German artillery and with all breakout attempts defeated, the French Army of Châlons capitulated on 2nd September, with Napoleon the III taken prisoner, France Eventually Capitulates.
  • Unification of Italy

    Unification of Italy
    Inspired by the rebellions in the 1820s and 1830s against the outcome of the Congress of Vienna. The Revolutions and Wars came to a head. In, around the Prussian-Austrian war, with Italy on the side of the Prussians, fought a lightnight war into Austrian territory. In 1871, After the Capture of Rome and its designation as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy, plus the retaking of Venice. Italy is soon Fully a Independent state
  • Germany, Is Born

    Germany, Is Born
    A few weeks after Sedan, Paris was under siege, and the war only ended when it fell in late January, 1871. Otto Von Bismarck had gathered Germany's generals, princes, and Kings at the captured city of Versailles and proclaimed the new and ominously powerful country of Germany, changing the political landscape of Europe forever. Most of Europe soon recognized Germany as a state, and soon, a new European power, alongside Italy, were on the centerstage.
  • The Scramble for Africa Begins

    The Scramble for Africa Begins
    Started by King Leopoldo ll of Belgium, colonizing the region of the African Congo, When he found out that there were mineral reports in The Congo Basin. This triggered a cascade of European nations rushing to Africa to seek territory and resources.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    This was a meeting to regulate European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period and coincided with Germany's sudden emergence as an imperial power. The General Act of the Berlin Conference, can be seen as the formalisation of the Scramble for Africa, but some scholars of history warn against an overemphasis of its role, Seeing previous ordeals and agreements.
  • African Colonial borders are Drawn

    African Colonial borders are Drawn
    By the End of the Berlin Conference, France got all of West Africa, Morrocco, Madagascar and Algeria. Britain gained Egypt, part of Sudan, Nigeria, Rhodesia, Sierra Leone, Somaliland and Buchanaland. Spain got Rio De Oro and part of Morroco and Rio Muni. Italy got Libya & part of Somaliland. Germany gained East Africa, Cameroon, Togoland and Southwest Africa. Belgium got to have the Congo. Portugal got port Guinea, Angola, and Mozambique. And each divided, They would be like this till the 1950s.
  • The Fashoda Crisis

    The Fashoda Crisis
    In 1898, England and France got into a dispute over the land of Fashoda in South Sudan. Both argued and were threatening to go to war. But, they then had agreement of who got what, called the Anglo-French Agreement. France got the land of Fashoda and Morocco and Britain got the land of Egypt and Sudan.
  • The Russo-Japanese War Begins

    The Russo-Japanese War Begins
    Starting over Russian competition with Japan over the territorial claims both countries made on Manchuria and the Empire of Korea, plus the Russians wanting a ice-free port in the region. From the 8th February 1904 – 5th September 1905, The Russians and Japanese battled on Land and Sea over the ports such as Port Arthur and for land surrounding them and on the Seas. The Japanese would eventually defeat the Russians, making them capable of battling Europeans.
  • The Treaty of Portsmouth

    The Treaty of Portsmouth
    The treaty formally ended the 1904–1905 Russo-Japanese War. It was signed on September 5th, 1905, after negotiations from August 6t to August 30th, between the U.S. President, Theodore Roosevelt. Russia agreed to surrender its leases on Port Arthur and the Liaodong Peninsula, to evacuate Manchuria, to cede the half of Sakhalin that it had annexed in 1875, and to recognize Korea as within Japan's sphere of interest.
  • The Great War Begins

    The Great War Begins
    On July 28th, 1914, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, following the decades of European rivalry between the old empires, declares war on Serbia. Austro-Hungarian artillery will shell the Serbian Capital, and the Army crossed the border, with Russia mobilizing Next. A chain of War declarations begins. This event would start off the Great War, being the start of millions of Dead.
  • A World War

    A World War
    From August 2-7, 1914, Following waves of war declarations, Germany invades Luxembourg and Belgium. France invades Alsace. The British Expeditionary Army arrive in France. Nations allied against Germany were eventually to include Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Rhodesia, Romania, Greece, France, Belgium, United States, Canada, Serbia, India, Portugal, Montenegro, and Poland. Allied with Germany is Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire... It is a World War.
  • The Great War Ends, Pain Sets In, It Ends Nothing

    The Great War Ends, Pain Sets In, It Ends Nothing
    November 11th, 1918, The War Comes to an end at 11:00. The War, after 68,176,000 are dead, and entire nations sent to ruin, The Entente and Central Powers end the fighting. The Central Powers Collapse, and Soon later, months, In Paris, the Central Powers capitulate, and via the Treaty of Versailles, accept most of the blame of the war, Especially Germany. At the Same time, a League of Nations is attempted to be made, to guarantee World Peace. It only lasts 20 years, and only to a degree.
  • Militarism Rises, The League Down

    Militarism Rises, The League Down
    In the year of 1932, following German, Italian, and Japanese conquests, objected by the league, and the breaking of the Treaty of Versailles on many accounts, the League is faltering. Relative conflict is happening across the World. Spain is on the verge of a Civil War... some nations, send aid to other nations. The Axis Powers are Soon Formed Later, and Democracy weakens.
  • The Spanish Civil War Begins

    The Spanish Civil War Begins
    Following decades of aggression between Left and Right-wing movements/parties, soon boils over. Francisco Franco, General of the Army of Africa, launches a coup in Spanish Africa. Republican forces take major cities. And soon, Loyalists and Army are fighting each other. British, French, Mexican, Soviet aid, on its way to helping the Republicans, Germany and Italy along with Portugal begin aiding the Nationalists. The war will rage from the 17 July 1936 – 1 April 1939, to a Nationalist Victory.
  • Axis Invasion of Poland, The Second World War Begins, World War Again

    Axis Invasion of Poland, The Second World War Begins, World War Again
    Alongside a Japanese war in the East, Sept 1st, 1939, Nazi Germany invades Poland, along with the Soviet Union from the East. On The same day, France and England declare war on Germany and Italy joins in. The World is at war again. The Axis road to conquest begins. It is World War again. It will rage for six years globally. America begins rethinking it's Isolationism.
  • Germany Invades France

    Germany Invades France
    Germany on the 5th of May, Invades France, and Actually breaks through. Unlike before in the Great War, Advanced Tactics speed the Germans forward, and with the Italian Allies, Overran France in Several Weeks. Before, the Low Countries, and Most of Scandanavia Fell to Germany, and the Allies struggled to actually gain traction. By 22nd June 1940, France surrenders, with it's army in disarry or fled to England, leaving England and many Exiled armies and governments as the last stand of Democarcy.
  • Axis Invasion of the Soviet Union.

    Axis Invasion of the Soviet Union.
    The Invasion, named after Frederick Barbarossa, a 12th-century Holy Roman emperor, The operation put into action Nazi Germany's ideological goal of conquering the western Soviet Union to repopulate it. As well to seize the Soviet Oil Fields, and Soviet People as slave labor, plus the Extermination of lesser races. Alongside Romania, Finland, Italy, Hungary and Slovakia, Germany invaded. But would fight a brutal conflict, against the Soviet Patriotic War, that would span to their defeat in 1945.
  • The Allies Invade Mainland Italy

    The Allies Invade Mainland Italy
    After a Grueling four years of war, The Allies, between the United States, England, Free-France, and their colonial allies and exiled nations. The operation was undertaken by General Sir Harold Alexander's 15th Army Group (comprising General Mark W. Clark's American Fifth Army and General Bernard Montgomery's British Eighth Army) and followed the successful Allied Invasion of Sicily. This was the First West Allied Invasion of Europe, and start a more Soviet/West war in Europe.
  • Allied Liberation of Europe Begins

    Allied Liberation of Europe Begins
    A titanic effort of the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Free-France, and the exiled/colonial nations of Poland, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Norway, Allied Forces landed in the Fields and Beaches of Normandie, and Brutally bashed through the Atlantic Wall. The Liberation of Mainland Europe Began, and The Allies and Soviets began pushing back the Axis fully.
  • Operation Bragration, The Eastern Front Collapses

    Operation Bragration, The Eastern Front Collapses
    Between the 22nd June and 19th August 1944 in Soviet Byelorussia in the Eastern Front, over 2 weeks after the start of Operation Overlord in the west, causing the Germans to have to fight on two major fronts at the same time. The Gigantic Counteroffensive completely shattered the Eastern front and ruined the Wehrmacht. It ruined the Eastern Axis. Along with Italy falling to the Allies, The Soviets Pushed into Eastern Europe, Invaded Poland, Romania, Hungary, all the way to the German Border.
  • Germany Capitulates, WW2 In Europe Ends

    Germany Capitulates, WW2 In Europe Ends
    After six grueling and gory years in Europe of Holocaust, War, and Annihilation, The decision to surrender was made public by the German Government. The Soviets seizing the Brutalized Capital of Berlin. the War in Europe for most part, was over. While the 8th May is celebrated as Victory in Europe Day in the West the 9th May is celebrated as Victory Day in the East. Past Meetings set the Borders for the future of German occupation, and many nations are liberated. Reconstruction has begun.
  • The Cold War Begins

    The Cold War Begins
    On March 12, 1947, President Harry S. Truman presented the Truman Doctrine, asking the American Congress for $400 million in military and economic assistance for Turkey and Greece. The Later Marshall Plan in 1948, Would mark what was the start, of the Cold War. With the Soviet Union challenged the Marshall plan as taking advantage of ruined Europe. Truman at the same time worked out the idea of Containment of Communism which redefined much East/West foreign policy to spread or contain.
  • N.A.T.O is Established, Then the WARSAW PACT

    N.A.T.O is Established, Then the WARSAW PACT
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, signed on 4th April 1949, was created to aid most of the Western Nations, 28 of them, in case of outside antagonistic events, such as Soviet Aggression. This Would be Rivaled in May 15th of 1955, After creation of a West German Army. The Soviet Union with its 8 satellite states formed the Warsaw Pact to go against the Western Military Alliance. Now both sides are Militarized, and begin preparing a race for a future war.
  • Germany is Split, East and West are Born

    Germany is Split, East and West are Born
    A Few Years after WW2, Germany Being split, The Western Allies would form in 1949, all the territories to become The Federal Republic of Germany, A New German State, Government and Military, with Capitalist Ideals. In Rival, the Soviet-German Territory is established as a new state, the German Democratic Republic, Based on Stalinist, Leninist Ideals, and Government and Military. With Berlin split as usual, Germany, is now two nations and is the center point, of the Cold War "Battlefield".
  • The Hungarian Revolt, Suez Crisis, The Power Changes

    The Hungarian Revolt, Suez Crisis, The Power Changes
    In October of 1956, Two Events, The Hungarian Revolution of 1956, a nation uprisng against the Stalinist regime of the Hungarian People's Republic and policies imposed by the USSR. And The Suez Crisis, Blockage by Egypt, And invasion of Egypt in 1956 by Israel, England, and France, both in chaos. Negotiations feel not to England and France, But the Soviet Union and America. The Two events would hurt Soviet Opinion in Eastern Europe, But Put an End to French and British super status in Europe.