Literacy Moments

  • First Words

    First Words
    My mom started reading to me while I was in her tummy. She said she thinks this is why I talk so much. I started babbling words around 7 months. My first word was Dada. At 9 months my favorite word was NO.
  • Written Language

    Written Language
    At the age of 2 my mom started putting writing instruments in my hand. I would write all over the house.
  • Foundational Skills

    Foundational Skills
    I learned what letters were and their sounds. I was read to by my parents and my teachers at this age.
  • Library

    My parents to me to the Library. This was my first time going to the Library. I had always wondered how this place had so many books.
  • My first Easy Reader

    My first Easy Reader
    I was in the first grade when I read my first book. I worked with a small reading group in school because I was not on my reading grade level.
  • Foreign Language

    Foreign Language
    It was required to take a foreign language in middle school so I decided to take French. My parent told me to take Spanish, well maybe I should have listened because I do not remember hardly any French words now.
  • The Great Gasby

    The Great Gasby
    This was the first book that I read in high school that I actually enjoyed reading. I went to see the movie as an adult. Enjoyed it as equally well as the book!
  • Music Class

    Music Class
    I was taught how to read music. My music teacher was awesome. I really do not remember much about how to read music now. I think all students should be taught how to read music.
  • First Interview

    First Interview
    I was 16 when I had my first interview. I had the opportunity to speak professional.
  • Facebook Account

    Facebook Account
    Helped me dig deeper into the meaning of pictures!