5-year business plan

  • Basic concept

    A company that aims to aid in the production of creative media by making immersive and detailed environments for TV, films, shows and other creative endures
  • What do we help create? and why us?

    We hope to use the latest in cutting edge technology to help create the immersive environments, technologies like AI, VR and AR have been very important in the last 10 years, but we suspect that these technologies will be even more important in the next 10 years! We will also work on combining practical effects with technology to create the best effects.
  • How are we gonna do it?

    We'll start by incubating experience from both local and international creative individual's, we'll also work with experienced artists and architects to develop ourselves further.
  • What will we offer from the rest?

    The combination of technology and practical effects is what makes us stand out! we are not looking to replace one for another! and we hope that'll make the experience of working with us different from the rest of media production companies.
  • Cost to Profit

    The cost in our first year will be very high! this is because of our different approach, the equipment needed to create the virtual environments can cost upwards of a $50k for every machine, say we have 15 designers, this means $750k just for the machines! practical effects will also require expansive equipment and plenty of space, this is to be expected in any media production company, as they can later re-coup these costs back after a project or two, we're planning to do exactly that!
  • tax Compliance

    The government taxes all goods at 1.15%, adding their value to the gods.
    - There are statistically significant variations in the sample response averages to the tax's establishment. Responsibility linked to the gender factor,
    - The average responses of the sample surveyed on the determination of the tax liability attributable to the age variable show statistically significant differences.
  • -

    In comparison to their counterparts, male and younger taxpayers appear to be more susceptible to tax evasion, according to the findings of this study on age and gender variables. (Seniors and female taxpayers, respectively). The findings showed that while the education variable produced less conclusive results, financial literacy may have a positive impact on tax evasion because better educated taxpayers are more aware of opportunities to avoid paying taxes.