Period: to
War, homefront, local heroes -
WWII begins
1938 Brick Garrison graduates ROTC at KSU
Time magazine's 1938 “Man of the Year” --Adolf Hitler
Does not show the Nazi leader's face on the cover -
Television debuts at World Fair in NY
Emil Kirwin joins National Guard
Motorola creates handheld two-way radio, the "Handy Talkie"
For U.S. Army Signal Control -
1st draft numbers drawn
Eisenhower promoted to the rank of brigadier-general
Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
Japan declares war on U.S. U.S. declares war on Germany, Italy, Japan
J.W. Romberger 1st man drafted from Dickinson County
Automobile production ceases
Brick Garrison honorably discharged
20 Nov. 1942 Asher Coleman enlists in U.S. Army
Marvin Geist jointed army air force
Melvin Strunk enlists in Army Air Corps at Ft. Riley, KS
Bob Dole joined Army's Enlisted Reserve Corps; called 1943
Marvin Ledy is drafted-Official induction in Wyandotte Co.
Food rationing begins in the U.S. starting with sugar
Weldell Gugler drafted
Paul Martin joins Navy
Mac Gil joins Navy-briefly visits Pearl Harbor
Emil Kirwin flys in Schweinfurt II "Black Thursday"
Louis Haslouer at Deolili training camp
First Digital computer, ENIAC, completed
Weighing in at 30 tons and measuring two stories high -
Eisenhower put in charge of Operation Overlord
Stan Kijowski taken to Russian work camp
5307th Composite Regiment (provisional) established
5307th Composite Unit dissolved; reorganized as 457th Infantry Regiment
M. Strunk flew to Wales; flies 35 mission in 100 days equaling 248 combat hours (before age 21)
D-Day the first Allied soldiers arrive in Normandy, France
John Eisenhower graduates from Westpoint
Christa Jones's father taken captive
Held until 1946 -
Paul Martin experiences combat, ship transports POW of Japan
Melvin Strunk assigned to 447 Bomb group, 709th Squadron, 8th Airforce division
Melvin Strunk navagates his first mission to Munich, Germany
Anne Frank, 15, captured by Germans
John Iseli drafted in biggest draft in Dickinson Co.
Emil Kirwin awarded Distinguished Flying Cross
For shooting down three Nazi planes and completing his tour of duty -
Christa Jones receives letter stating father is MIA
Ike promoted to highest US army rank, General of the Army
Battle of the Bulge begins
Marvin Ledy stationed at Battle of the Bulge headquarters
Marvin Geist shot down during 10th active mission
Paul Martin's ship hit by torpedo leaving Zambales Beach
Christa Jones and family's town of Muskau evacuated
Invation of Okinawa
Paul Martin at Sea; President Rosevelt dies
Bob Dole wounded, resulting in a disabled right arm
Artzber surrenders to American Armed Forces
German Army signs unconditional surrender
Germans surrender
Paul Martin boards the USS Barnwell toward Guam
Marvin Geist arrived safely home to the US
Kenny Olson leaves for Okinawa
Wendal Gugler lands in Naples, Italy
Kenny Olson landed in Okinawa
Marvin Ledy returns home
End of WWII Official surrender
Japanese reps sign surrender Lynn Meehan located at Yokohomo Bay
Asher Coleman, on furlough, learns of the second atomic bomb
Melvin Strunk discharged at Ft. Leavenworth
Don Phillips shipped to his base in Germany
Paul Martin discharged from the navy
Christa Jones's Family reunites
Eisenhower and Truman invite displaced refugees to US