
5 Star Writers Outline

By hstohs
  • Period: to


    War, homefront, local heroes
  • WWII begins

  • 1938 Brick Garrison graduates ROTC at KSU

  • Time magazine's 1938 “Man of the Year” --Adolf Hitler

    Does not show the Nazi leader's face on the cover
  • Television debuts at World Fair in NY

  • Emil Kirwin joins National Guard

  • Motorola creates handheld two-way radio, the "Handy Talkie"

    For U.S. Army Signal Control
  • 1st draft numbers drawn

  • Eisenhower promoted to the rank of brigadier-general

  • Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

  • Japan declares war on U.S. U.S. declares war on Germany, Italy, Japan

  • J.W. Romberger 1st man drafted from Dickinson County

  • Automobile production ceases

  • Brick Garrison honorably discharged

  • 20 Nov. 1942 Asher Coleman enlists in U.S. Army

  • Marvin Geist jointed army air force

  • Melvin Strunk enlists in Army Air Corps at Ft. Riley, KS

  • Bob Dole joined Army's Enlisted Reserve Corps; called 1943

  • Marvin Ledy is drafted-Official induction in Wyandotte Co.

  • Food rationing begins in the U.S. starting with sugar

  • Weldell Gugler drafted

  • Paul Martin joins Navy

  • Mac Gil joins Navy-briefly visits Pearl Harbor

  • Emil Kirwin flys in Schweinfurt II "Black Thursday"

  • Louis Haslouer at Deolili training camp

  • First Digital computer, ENIAC, completed

    Weighing in at 30 tons and measuring two stories high
  • Eisenhower put in charge of Operation Overlord

  • Stan Kijowski taken to Russian work camp

  • 5307th Composite Regiment (provisional) established

  • 5307th Composite Unit dissolved; reorganized as 457th Infantry Regiment

  • M. Strunk flew to Wales; flies 35 mission in 100 days equaling 248 combat hours (before age 21)

  • D-Day the first Allied soldiers arrive in Normandy, France

  • John Eisenhower graduates from Westpoint

  • Christa Jones's father taken captive

    Held until 1946
  • Paul Martin experiences combat, ship transports POW of Japan

  • Melvin Strunk assigned to 447 Bomb group, 709th Squadron, 8th Airforce division

  • Melvin Strunk navagates his first mission to Munich, Germany

  • Anne Frank, 15, captured by Germans

  • John Iseli drafted in biggest draft in Dickinson Co.

  • Emil Kirwin awarded Distinguished Flying Cross

    For shooting down three Nazi planes and completing his tour of duty
  • Christa Jones receives letter stating father is MIA

  • Ike promoted to highest US army rank, General of the Army

  • Battle of the Bulge begins

  • Marvin Ledy stationed at Battle of the Bulge headquarters

  • Marvin Geist shot down during 10th active mission

  • Paul Martin's ship hit by torpedo leaving Zambales Beach

  • Christa Jones and family's town of Muskau evacuated

  • Invation of Okinawa

  • Paul Martin at Sea; President Rosevelt dies

  • Bob Dole wounded, resulting in a disabled right arm

  • Artzber surrenders to American Armed Forces

  • German Army signs unconditional surrender

  • Germans surrender

  • Paul Martin boards the USS Barnwell toward Guam

  • Marvin Geist arrived safely home to the US

  • Kenny Olson leaves for Okinawa

  • Wendal Gugler lands in Naples, Italy

  • Kenny Olson landed in Okinawa

  • Marvin Ledy returns home

  • End of WWII Official surrender

  • Japanese reps sign surrender Lynn Meehan located at Yokohomo Bay

  • Asher Coleman, on furlough, learns of the second atomic bomb

  • Melvin Strunk discharged at Ft. Leavenworth

  • Don Phillips shipped to his base in Germany

  • Paul Martin discharged from the navy

  • Christa Jones's Family reunites

  • Eisenhower and Truman invite displaced refugees to US