1663 Slave Revolt: Gloucester, Virginia
In 1663 the Govenor of Gloucester punished some Cromwellian Soldiers committed, and their punishment was to become indentured servants. They wanted to escape. The soldiers planned to break into house and go to the Govenor heavily armed. Once there, they demanded their freedom. For a punishment they all got hanged.
Slaverebellion.org/Chronology 2010 WESTHOST and Blackpast.org 2007-2017 Humanity Washington -
1712 Slave Revolt: New York City, New York
25 to 30 slaves and two others set a building on fire while armed with guns, clubs, and knifes. The group waited until the Whites came and 9 of them were murdered by said group. The gunfire caught the attention of the Govenor and he sent army soldiers to shoot a cannon at them. All of the group was hanged, burned, or brutally tortured. Only 6 of this group walked away including a pregnant woman.
Slaverebellion.org/chronology 2010 WESTHOST and Blackpast.org 2007-2017 Humanity Washington -
1739 Slave Revolt: Stono, South Carolina
In Stono, South Carolina 86 Angolans led by a slave named Jemmy. This group takes a military equipment, stack it, and burn it. Then they march to beating drums on the way to Stono River, on the way the group burns many plantation, killed about 25 whites. Once they reached the Stono river they danced about their victory of killing the 25 whites.
Slaverebellion.org 2010 and Chronology from the same website. By WESTHOST. -
1741 Slave Revolt in New York City, New York
A group of 150 slaves and 25 whites were punished. The group was going through the town burning and destroying buildings. A catholic priest was hanged because he was accused for helping with the planning and arming the group of said people. those who weren't killed on spot were hanged, burned at stake, or just kicked out of town and the only one who were kicked out of town were 7 whites.
slaverebellion.org 2010 WESTHOST and Blackpast.org 2007-2017 Humanities Washington -
1811 Slave Revolt in New Orleans, Louisiana
In 1811 500 slaves led by Charles Deslondes were armed with Picks, Hoes, Axes, and Firearms. They marched into New Orleans with flags flying and Drums thumping. In military formation they destroyed buildings and property of other, The Army was forced to interven and the group was defeated by the military led by General Wade Hampton.