5 Significant Inventions in Computer History for the 1950s

  • UNIVAC I Computer is invented

    UNIVAC I Computer is invented
    John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the inventors of the first commercially produced digital computer. It's general purpose is computiong with large amounts of input and output. It could perform 1,000 calculations per second and it predicted Eisenhower's victory landslide in the president elections. This computer that used giant screens, Weighed 16,000 pounds,and had thousands of vacuum tubes for computation, were forerunners of todays digital computers.
  • IBM 726 Magnetic tape

    IBM 726 Magnetic tape
    The Magnetic tape allows for inexpensive mass storage of information. The IBM 726 was an important high-speed magnetic tape system for electronic computers. This tape is a key part of the computer revolution.
  • IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Calculator Introduced

    IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Calculator Introduced
    It is IBM first mass-produced computer. It allowed much faster access to stored information than any other drum-based machines. This help generation of students first learned programming, which helps more generations in the future.
  • Direct Keyboard input to computers

    Direct Keyboard input to computers
    Doug Ross inventor of Direct Keyboards input to computers. It started at MIT, where researchers began experimenting with direct keyboards input to computers since, computers were using punch cards. Doug ross contended that a Flexowriter (electrically-controlled typewriter) to connect to MIT computers. It later on help conduct the MIT Whirlwind computer. It help make it useful and convenient in the future, that is on every computer now.
  • RCA introduces it's Model 501 transistorized computer

    RCA introduces it's Model 501 transistorized computer
    The Model 501 allows it to be highly flexible for many different uses and could control up to 63 tape drives, whic was very useful for large databases of information. It has help business users and the US military. It became useful for developing computers later on to what we have as computers today.