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5 significant inventions in computer history

  • WWW

    Tim Verners-Lee creates the World Wide Web. This allows us to use websites to look at everything from cats, online stores, to maps that allow us to navigate new cities.
  • Linux

    Linus Torvalds developed a UNIX based operating system, which was called Linux version 0.02. Now, Linux is popularly used in servers. So, even if you don't use one of it's many distributions as your operating system, you might still be using Linux.
  • Doom

    John Romero and John Carmack released Doom. A game that created a new genre of computer games, and pushed technology to its limits. Today the original game's source code is used on different gadgets to see if they can successfully run Doom.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    Bill Gates' company, Microsoft launches Windows 95. This operating system had everything: a way to use dial-up internet, internet explorer to surf the world wide web, and solitaire. Changing the way everyone used computers.
  • Wi-Fi

    The Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) created a new wireless standard that uses radio waves to allow high-speed data transfer. This new technology allowed 2 megabits per second to be transferred over short distances. Now, the speeds are greater and public places have free Wi-Fi.