5 significant computer inventions of the 90s

  • Release of Linux kernel

    Release of Linux kernel
    year: 1991
    invention: Linux Kernel
    inventor: Linus Torvalds
    This open software was the start to many software programs. An example would be Android operating software is built on Linux.
  • Pretty Good Privacy

    Pretty Good Privacy
    year: 1991
    invention: Pretty Good Privacy or PGP
    inventor: Phil Zimmermann
    This was a public-key encryption software that allowed users to secure files and emails. He was prosecuted by the US government but the investigation dropped in 1996.
  • JPEG becomes finalized

    JPEG becomes finalized
    year: 1992
    invention: JPEG
    inventor: the Joint Photographic Experts Group
    JPEG is a imagine format that allows for compression of pictures, it lessens the quality and file size.
  • JavaScript

    year: 1995
    invention: JavaScript
    inventor: Brendan Eich
    JavaScript is used for developing web pages to this day. It has many functionalities, one of the functionalities is that it allows interactive behavior between webpages.
  • WiFi

    year: 1999
    invention: At home Wifi router
    inventor: Victor Hayes
    WiFi routers come on to the market for wire free connection to the internet in the home, work place, and public areas.