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Education Historical Events

By kansami
  • Period: to

    Important Educational Events

  • Massachusetts Education Law of 1642

    Massachusetts Education Law of 1642
    This event is significant because it made education compulsory for children in Massachusetts Bay. Although the law didn't exactly work, it got people thinking about the importance of education for children. Formal education was now a thing and required. Without this law the Law of 1647 may not have been created and as successful as it was.
  • Massachusetts Education Law of 1647

    Massachusetts Education Law of 1647
    This law made school more desirable which played a very large part in getting children to want to try something new and attend school. This event is extremely important because it also forced towns to not only acquire, but pay a teacher! Teaching was recognized as a profession and job! This law was also very important because it not only began the separation from church in education, but also school began to be funded in different ways in which it still needs to be and is today.
  • Creation of the Board of Education

    Creation of the Board of Education
    Horace Mann being appointed secretary of education to the first Board of Education cannot be left out when talking about key historical events. Mann was instrumental in American Education. Unifying the states in education and the school system was so instrumental in what education is today.
  • Brown v. Board of Education Ruling

    Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
    This ruling changed education for minorities in a huge way. It was so very important in its determination that "separate but equal" was indeed not equal. This ruling helped stop the deprivation of equal education opportunities, which all students are required to have today. This was such a huge movement for minorities, it cannot be left out, especially when minorities in public schools make up almost 50% of students today.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    Being able to define children with disabilities played a large part in ensuring that these children were guaranteed their basic education rights. Being able to give children with disabilities a good education and the services they need is imperative to their learning and development. This is so important! No child should ever be excluded. This act helped pave the way for many students and allowed them an education in the public school system today which at one time did not seem achievable.