Period: to
District 7 Was Wiped Out
District 7 was wiped out from a disease we believe came from a rare species of fish. They caught 200 fish enough to go arouund to everyone. A week after everyone fell ill and sooon died. No one was spared. -
Finds District 7
Robert Laviere found Disrtict 7 while on his way to trade spices with America -
Attack On The Capital
All the districts raided the capital bec ause the districts were very angry with President Whites rules and ways of how he was treating them. The capitals gaurds unable to handle the crowd started shooting few people. The people got sc ared and went back to their disricts. After this attack President white punished them by raising taxes,giving less supplies, and paying the workers less. -
The Disaster in District 3
Several tornados hit district 3 and wiped away everything in their site. The damage they had done was tremendous. It took 6 whole months to rebuild everything but in tht time people were homeless and starving -
Invented the Exact-Axe
Alex Hancoc.k invented the exact-axe when he was messing around with two axes. You glue them boh together wich makes the cutting side 5x sharper and cutting trees will go alot faster. It helped production but they earned alot less money.