
5 events

  • First local jail

    First local jail
    It was run by the sheriff, who accused criminals. This jail was not controlled by the US government, but by the cities.
  • First federal prision

    First federal prision
    This is different to a jail, because is managed by the US government. And pepole who has to a stay a lots of years goes to prision and people less dangerous goes to jail.
  • Sentencing Reform Act

    Sentencing Reform Act
    Established determinate sentencing, abolished parole, and reduced good time. Intended to increase consistency in United States federal sentencing.
  • More than doubled inmates, 1980-1989

    More than doubled inmates, 1980-1989
    The inmates increased more than the double from 24.000 to 58.000, and also the prisions which increased to 62.
  • First Step Act

    First Step Act
    The Act enacted several changes in U.S. federal criminal law aimed at reforming federal prisons and sentencing laws in order to reduce recidivism, decreasing the federal inmate population, and maintaining public safety.