5 Disruptions Influenced By Social Media

  • Communication During Natural Disasters

    Communication During Natural Disasters
    Facebook Safety Check provides information during natural or man-made disasters to concerned family members at lightning speed. This allows for less pressure on the overload of people trying to call in and out of affected areas.
  • ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

    ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
    A perfect example of the power social media has, to create a following, and quickly turn into an important cause. The trending videos on Facebook, for the charitable act, quickly went viral over social media, gathering celebrities and hundreds of thousands of donations all over the country. As donations accumulated, the challenge quickly raised more than $115 million dollars towards research of Lous Gehrig's Disease.
  • Marriage Equality

    Marriage Equality
    The US supreme court ruled that same-sex marriages were legal in all fifty states of America. Many using the #LoveWins
  • #NotMyPresident

    Donald Trump is elected President after the 2016 presidential election. Those who disagreed with the win took to Twitter to voice their opinions.
  • The Great Vaccine Debate

    The Great Vaccine Debate
    Social media has made the topic of vaccines a hot topic to debate. Users are now hashtagging their posts with #AntiVaccine or #ProVaccine. The topic has become more prevalent in the social media world, because of the resurfacing outbreaks of once controlled or non-existent diseases.