Mt Vesuvius
Location: Italy
No. of deaths: 13 000+ -
Mt Kelud
Location: Indonesia
No. of deaths: 10 000 -
Period: to
Laki Volcanic System
Location: Iceland
No. of deaths: 9350 -
Mt Unzen
Location: Japan
No. of deaths: 12000 - 15000 -
Period: to
Mt Tambora
Location: Indonesia
No. of deaths: 71000+ -
Period: to
Mt Krakatoa
Location: Indonesia
No. of deaths: 36000+ -
Period: to
Mt Pelee
Location: West Indies
No. of deaths: 30 000 -
Mt Kelud
Location: Indonesia
No. of deaths: 5110 -
Mt St Helens
Location: USA
Estimated Loss (million US$): 860 -
Mt Galunggung
Location: Indonesia
Estimated Loss (million US$): 160 -
Mt El Chichon
Location: Mexico
Estimated Loss (million US$): 117 -
Mt Gamalama
Location: Indonesia
Estimated Loss (million US$): 149 -
Nevado del Ruiz
Location: Colombia
Estimated Loss (million US$): 1000 -
Nevado del Ruiz
Location: Colombia
No. of deaths: 23 000 -
Mt Pinatubo
Location: Philippines
Estimated Loss (million US$): 211 -
Mt Rabaul
Location: Papua New Guinea
Estimated Loss (million US$): 110 -
Mt Tungurahua
Location: Ecuador
Estimated Loss (million US$): 150 -
Mt Puyehue-Cordon Caulle
Location: Chile
Estimated Loss (million US$): 104 -
Mt Calbuco
Location: Chile
Estimated Loss (million US$): 600