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4th hour - Dennis - Brazil - timeline

  • 1500


    Pedro Alvares Cabral claims Brazil as his country
  • Invasion

    The Dutch desire Brazilian occupancy and domination and choose this year to invade the country, now occupied largely by the Portuguese
  • ownership

    The Dutch are finally driven from Brazil by the Portuguese, who once again claim ownership.
  • Independence

    Brazil breaks ties with Portugal, finally announcing its independence.
  • Slavery

    A mammoth step forward occurs when slavery is finally abolished in this year
  • Consitution

    A new constitution is implemented in the country, which restores the rights of individuals.
  • Military

    For a time, military leaders take control of the Brazilian government.
  • Ruled

    Brazil’s government is finally returned to civilian rule.
  • New

    The Constituent Assembly ensures a wide distribution and consciousness of the new constitution of Brazil, which gives its citizens more individual rights.
  • Presisident

    Dilma Rousseff becomes Brazil's first women president.