
4th Hour-Argentina-Levi Steffen

  • 1516

    Spanish Involvement

    Spanish Involvement
    Juan Díaz de Solís landed in present-day Argentina on his expedition and the Spanish began their occupation in the region.
  • Development

    The Spanish Crown began establishing territories and the process of building several independent states began.
  • Republic of Argentina

    Republic of Argentina
    A Declaration of Independence and a war against the Spanish led to the forming of the Republic of Argentina
  • Economic Climb

    Economic Climb
    By 1908, Argentina had the seventh highest per capita income in the world.
  • Economic Decline

    Economic Decline
    Hipolito Yrigoyen is elected president and introduces a minimum wage. This leads to inflation and starts an economic decline
  • Resistance

    The military forces out president Yrigoyen during an economic downfall. Civilian Rule is restored but economy still declines.
  • WWII Involvement

    WWII Involvement
    Argentina joins WWII by declaring war on Germany and Japan.
  • New Privileges

    New Privileges
    The president's power is strengthened in 1949 when a new constitution is initiated.
  • New Currency

    New Currency
    The peso is introduced and used in Argentina.
  • To the Polls!

    To the Polls!
    Voting age in Argentina is lowered to 16.